The fixed proposal

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Saad just read what was written and smiled but Minahil didn't understand why was he smiling "are you okay ? Talha literally proposed to Noor and you are smiling" Minahil looked around for dadi maa but didn't see her inside the room as she didn't notice when dadi maa left the room

"Minahil you didn't read the full page did you ?" Said Saad as he gave the diary to her "what ?"

She started to read from where she left {she said to me that she does not want to be involved in any such matters etc"} Minahil read the full page and she found out that Noor had said No to Talha and they have decided to forget this incident

Saad walked back to his room where Noor was leaving Minahil there still in confusion that she thought that she had achance but it turned more good for Noor meanwhile Saad was thinking that why didn't Noor tell him that Talha had proposed to her he was busy in his thoughts that he suddenly remembered Noor's words from last night "do you know who had proposed to me ?" Maybe she was going to tell him about Talha

Saad went to the room still in his thoughts that he saw Noor fixing the room "what are you doing ?" Asked Saad as he knew that she was in pain "just cleaning the room little bit , my periods are better now as it is the third day today"

"Yah but still" said Saad as Noor was now about to leave the room as she was done
"Noor do you remember what you were going to tell me yesterday?"

"Umm yah I remember" "nice , tell me"

"I was actually going to tell that Talha had also proposed to me" "oh ok"

"Dude is that all you got to say ? I mean I expected you to be shocked maybe little bit but all I get is oh ok" "well actually Minahil found Talha's old diary and he had mentioned everything si I already know that he proposed to you and you rejected him"
"Oh makes sense Saad" "yah" said Saad as he left the room behind her and they went downstairs.

After some time everyone was sitting in the lounge together when dadi maa said "tomorrow is I am going to tell you all something which is very important

"Ji dadi maa" x4 four voices were heard at the same time . Tonight everyone had planned to watch movie together as all cousins and they planned on sleeping there aswell with some fat food so they had ordered pizza and some more stuff

They all were in lounge now as adults had went and they were watching a horror movie . The movie had just started and Saad and Noor were sitting with each other resting their back on the couch behind them and the pizza had just arrived . So they all had food set and movie started and everyone was cozy in their blankets and Saad had his left arm around Noor's shoulder and her head resting on his shoulder .

"Don't you wanna eat pizza ?" Whispered Saad into Noor's ears as he noticed she wasn't eating but as much he knows Noor loves it "my stomach is hurting so I am not really wanting to move my arm and stuff" "oh you should've told , before" said Saad as he picked up a slice and dip it in ketchup taking it to her mouth as he said "common good girl aaaa"

Noor laughed at his actions . He really took care of her like a child . Noor had never felt so lucky which she did now. He fed her and ate himself aswell . Minahil was burning in anger but unable to do a single thing .

Soon the pizza finished and Saad wiped his hands and cleaned Noor's face aswell as there was some sauce with his finger and they continued watching the movie while Saad was giving continuous butterflies inside Noor's stomach as he drew imaginary circles on Noor's tummy with his fingers . He could see that Noor was happy with his actions by looking at her smile.

As the movie reached interval it got more scary and Now Noor had gripped onto Saad's pj's as she was scared and Saad enjoying the moment pulled her close and as it was pretty dark and everyone was so focused into the movie Saad pulled Noor onto his lap and started to caress her hair now making Noor blush as she felt herself as on 7th sky . Saad was now caressing her hairs and his other hand caressing her waist and thighs time to time .

A jumpscare came which made Noor literally flinch and not Saad as he was never focused on the movie. Noor flinched and hid her fave in Saad's neck this time giving Saad butterflies unknowingly .

Noor soon settled back into her position and continued watching the movie while enjoying the small kisses that she was getting from Saad on her shoulder and neck and jaw .
The night went well with this cute romance of theirs and soon the next day came .

Next day 1 pm
"Well dadi maa you were going to tell something"

"Yes I remember"

"Yah we are listening"said dad as dadi maa spoke

"We have fixed Minahil's marriage with Talha and this proposal has been fixed for long"


Well this part might not have been that good as I was notfeeling good today but please if you liked it even little bit then vote comment and follow 🩷😊

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