𝖈𝖍. 𝖛𝖎 𝖕𝖙. 𝖛 ; signs of the slow decline.

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' Maybe I'm just a sucker for lost causes'




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cold little heart - michael kiwanuka

It tears me apart,

Did you ever fight it?

All of the pain, so much power,

Running through my veins,

Bleeding, I'm bleeding.





We decided to shuffle back to the chateau after yet another pilgrimage to the store for more beer. John B, in his infinite wisdom, kept chanting that it was a day worth celebrating. And while I could see where he was coming from, there was this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that it all seemed a bit too good to be true.

After everything we'd been through, with success finally within our reach, justice just a stone's throw away, it all felt... off. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but every time I glanced at Sarah's furrowed brow, I sensed her worry amidst the revelry, and it gnawed at me more than it brought me joy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Ward Cameron, king of the Kooks, is going to jail!" JJ bellowed from the depths of the chateau, his voice filled with triumph, echoed by the contagious laughter of my cousin.

"Goodbye! Goodbye!" Pope added, his enthusiasm reverberating through the wooden floors as he pounded his feet in rhythm.

While the uproarious celebration carried on inside with my best friends, Kie, Sarah, and I opted for a quieter spot on the porch. The two girls nestled into the love seat, while I claimed the lone seat in front of them, contemplating the strange mix of emotions swirling around us.

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