3- Vrinda left everything behind

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Vrinda's pov

I inhaled a deep breath after packing a few things and stood up to look at the watch.

There would be an evening soon if I wanted to leave this village at night. I have to finish my work early.

I hide my bag and went toward the bathroom to take a long bath and freshen my mind. After taking a long bath, I came out of the bathroom and saw Tara sitting on the bed.

As soon as she saw me, she stood up and pulled my ear and said, "How dare you, naughty Vrinda, to do that? His friends were calling me Bhabhi, my cheeks turned red with embarrassment, I couldn't even make eye contact with Surya. You are such a naughty girl.

"Now let's have dinner quickly; otherwise, the food will get cold " she said and left

Suddenly a tear rolled down from my eyes because tomorrow morning I will probably never get to hear her scold again.

After having dinner, Tara went to bed and slept as if she were very sleepy.

Author's pov

As the night descended upon the village, casting shadows that danced in the moonlight, Vrinda sat by the window of her room, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. The weight of her decision to leave everything behind bore down on her, mingling with the bittersweet memories of her life in the village.

She watched the familiar sights outside-the winding streets bathed in a silvery glow, the distant sounds of the night creatures adding a haunting melody to the air. The village that had been her home and her sanctuary now felt like a cage from which she yearned to escape.

With a resolute gaze, Vrinda turned away from the window and picked up her bag. She took one last look at the room that had been her santuary and her prison. As she tiptoed out of the room, careful not to wake Anutara, who slept peacefully in her bed, Vrinda felt a pang of guilt tugging at her heart. She knew that leaving without saying goodbye would hurt Anutara, but she also knew that it was a necessary step towards her own freedom.

Silently making her way through the darkened corridors of the house, Vrinda reached the front door, her hand hesitating over the latch. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead, and with a final glance back at the house that held both her happiest and darkest memories, she pushed open the door and stepped out into the cool night air. As she disappeared into the darkness, Vrinda knew that her story was just beginning. The journey ahead would be her own, guided by her own choices and dreams. She had no clear destination in mind and no concrete plan for the future. With each step she took, Vrinda felt a sense of liberation, a freedom she had long yearned for.

And so the next chapter of Vrinda's journey began-a new chapter in her story, waiting to be written with each step she took into the vast unknown.

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