9 - Traumatic Past

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Everyone was looking at me oddly; why wouldn't they? A girl like me was standing next to a wealthy man.

I felt both shy and nervous at the same time. To avoid people's weird stares, I attempted to release my hand from his, but instead of letting go, he clutched it even tighter and gave me a strange look.

After a second, Rahul approached and asked to Mr. Rajput, "Miss Vaidya is coming, right?" Looking a little tense.

Mr. Rajput shook his head in no and exclaimed, "No, Vrinda will represent our brand; she will be our model," in a dark and loud voice, grabbing everyone's attention.

When he spoke, everyone present there became quiet.

"Does anybody have any problem?" Avyukt questioned in a dark and terrifying tone, and everyone shook their heads in "No" . His dark gaze was enough to make everyone gulp.

There was just 30 min left for the event, I was sitting alone on the couch in the makeup room , and everyone was preoccupied with their own jobs. I was all set to attend. I was assisted in getting ready by makeup artist and an outfit stylist.

My hands were trembling due to nervousness. I'd have to walk in front of so many people, and everyone's eyes would be on me. Would I be able to do it properly? What happens if something goes wrong with me?

At the time, I had a lot of questions, but there was also hope in my mind that everything would be fine.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I was trying to stop myself from bursting into tears ,There was a time when I used to work as a servant in my own house , but today I am living my dream day, I never imagined that such a opportunity would arrive in my life. Tears rolled down from my eyes.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring, where I'll go, what I'll do, and if it will be good or bad . I simply want to live in the present moment, and I want this day to be the happiest memory I have. I sobbed.

Mr. Rajput is solely responsible for the existence of today in my life ,more and more tears rolled down from my eyes.

I instantly stood and covered my face with my hands to hide my emotions as I noticed someone entering the room. I didn't want anyone to see that I was sobbing. I couldn't wipe my tears otherwise my make-up would get spoiled.

As footsteps neared, I took a step back. I couldn't see that person as my hands were covering my face, but I could hear footsteps.

Within a few seconds, I was in that person's arms. He gripped my waist hard, drew me into his arms, and whispered, "Take your hands off your face."

I have understood that he is none other than Mr. Rajput. I slowly moved my hands away from my face and lifted my teary gaze.

Seeing my teary eyes, he tightened my waist more and asked, "Who made you cry?" gnashing his teeth in rage.

I couldn't stop myself from bursting into tears. After hearing him ,I snuggled my face in his chest and started sobbing. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to lighten my mood by crying. I wanted to say thank you to Mr. Rajput.

"If you are uncomfortable with that, then just tell me once, and I will cancel everything." he said , caressing my back .

I pulled my face from his arms , looked at him and said , "No one has made me cry Mr. Rajput nor I am feeling uncomfortable , these tears are of happiness as well as sadness" , sobbing more and more.

I cuddled my face into his chest again and said, "These are happy tears because I've never had a day like this. I've never felt more special than I do now, yet I'm crying because I just recalled something bad. Thank you very much. I have never felt such closeness as I have felt with you in these 2 days.. .."And then the sound of the room door opening abruptly cut me off.

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