part 19

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(Pervious part)
Jungkook-hyung run


(With yoonmin)

(Yoongi was in office with jimin because today jimin was throwing tantrums to come with him so yoongi took jimin with him to office)

Yoongi-(while working on laptop) buba are you hungry..?

Jimin-no dadda chimmy no hungly

Yoongi - hmm ok buba but if you want anything just let dadda know okay.?(with a small smile)

jimin -okay dadda..  dadda

Yoongi-yes baby..?

Jimin-i need something

Yoongi-(got up from his chair and move towards the couch) yes buba say.

Jimin-numnum ( smile)

Yoongi- you not have it today.?

Jimin-(teary eyes)dadda you said no to me

Yoongi-(panicked) no baby I didn't it's just...

Jimin-(started crying) dadda Don't love chimmy anymole.

Yoongi-(hugged jimin)no baby it's nothing like that you want numnum okay bub here (open his shirt) but pls don't cry

Jimin-(attached his mouth with yoongi nipple while controlling his sobs)

(But as soon as jimin attached his lips with yoongi nipple yoongi hissed because his nipple was badly bruised  cause jimin use his teeth to taste it more nicely and when jimin added his lips it was painful  )

Jimin- dadda what happen..?

Yoongi - (trying to hide his pain while smiling) nothing bub...

(Jimin used his teeth again)

Yoongi-( his eyes was now  full of tears) bub don't use your teeth pls

Jimin-okay dadda

( after 5 minutes jimin fell sleep )

Yoongi-(carefully took his nipple out from jimin mouth it was swollen he huffed) where is ointment now..?

( suddenly jungkook came in his office )

Jungkook -(looked at yoonmin) umm sorry to disturb hyung but can you sign this paper.? (While giving yoongi paper)

Yoongi- sure kookie you take seat first

Jungkook- no hyung I don't wanna watch porn..(while seeing jimin face in yoongi chest and yoongi swollen nipple )

Yoongi-'s nothing like that's just my  baby was again asking for my nipple that's it and he is sleeping right now ..

Jungkook -oh than I would like to take a seat....

Yoongi-(sighed) go ahead..and what's with this paper..?

Jungkook- i also don't know..

Yoongi -(looked at jungkook) now what you did.?

Jungkook-its a long story hyung..

Yoongi - go ahead I am all ears my meeting is also after 20 minutes

Jungkook- it's just I called jin hyung oldie and he was running behind me with his favourite fry pain so I escaped saying I have work called jin what.?
(Started laughing)  god kookie jin hyung will kill you for sure

Jungkook -nahh he is busy beating his husband

Yoongi- what he did now.?

Jungkook -he broke jin hyung cup.

Yoongi- you guys

Yoongi secretary - sir you have meeting in 5 minutes...

Yoongi- coming(removed jimin from his chest and fixed his clothes )
Umm kookie can you take care of my baby till I come back.?

Jungkook- sure hyung ..

(Yoongi left after kissing jimin forehead who was sleeping on couch)

Jungkook- um.? What should I do.? Should I watch something.? Like some movie.? Yeah I should

(Jungkook played his movie it was going well but jimin woke up in middle )

Jimin- umm whele is dadda hyung.?

( magic in the world happen jimin called jungkook hyung.....)

Jungkook -  he went to the meeting bub(smiled at jimin)

Jimin-ohh what ale you doing.?

Jungkook - I am watching a movie baby you wanna watch.?

Jimin-yeshh chimmy wanna watch..

Jungkook-came then (while patting on the side of the couch)

(Jimin and jungkook was watching movie but suddenly a kissing scene came )

Jimin-hyung what are they doing..

Jungkook- umm b..buba it's they..they are kissing..

Jimin- what that hyungie chimmy wanna try it too

Jungkook -you can ask your dadda bub..

To be continued...

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