dads,girls,and masks

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My name is Little, Alex Little, and I live with my mom and her new stepmonster,Richard. We just moved to a small town in Illinois called Masquerade. It's nothing special, a tiny town full of small minded elders. I've never really heard of it until now but my new step dad said he grew up here. God it smells like pumpkin spice and copper jackets... I hate it. I wish I could have stayed with my dad in Arkansas. Like that place is really any better...

The move here happened so fast I barely even remember packing. Our new house looks like it came straight from hell, the wood on the siding was rotting and the roof looked it would collapse with even the slightest breeze. I have two half siblings, Vicky and David, they were from one of my moms previous marriages. But them being the age they are now they don't have to live with us. Ugh I hate it when my mom swoons over Richard. Its embarrassing and unnatural.

"Sweetheart, I wanna go into town and look around if u don't mind." She had that look in her eyes that said he would be sleeping on the couch if he said she couldn't. "Of course we can my love, let's go walk to town. Its not too far off, a few minutes walk and its such a nice day." Great a walk, now I can be sweaty and tired. About 10 minutes in Richard decided to shove me into a mud hole on the side of the black paved rode and walked away laughing while I sat there. And as usual my mom just laughed along side him." Can I help you?" A voice came from behind me. It was a girls voice...but it sounded soft and kinda raspy, like she never said anything in her life until this point. I looked in the direction it came from and to my surprise.....she was rather...beautiful. She had deep set hazle eyes that complement her soft dusty brown hair, she had freckles framing her thick black glasses. She had a beauty mark on her left cheek, soft pink lips and pale skin. She was thicker, perfect for cuddling. I just sat there and stared at her for a second. As my blond hair was now covered in the slimy mud I was still sitting in. "Can I help you?" She asked again. Her peircing eyes stared into me as I sat there. Finally I spoke "s-sure....." Really that's all I could think of to say?! I beat myself up inside,'stupid stupid stupid!!' I thought to myself as I stood up. "T-thank you......umm....may I ask what your name is?" She looked at me blankly, as if I should already know. After a few minutes she spoke "My name is Camryn...... And you arrrre?" I thought for a second 'Camryn..... Camryn.....I like it' "my name is Alex. Its nice to meet you. I hope I can see you around sometime." She laughed a little and smiled......she had the sharpest teeth I have ever seen...."oh I'm sure you will." And with that she left. I just stood there in awe........she was absolutely beautiful..... And she talked to me.......this is a dream right? It has to be.....I mean come on...then I realized that I should catch up to .......them. I hope I meet some other people that will stall me until its night and I can go home. With this in my head I turned to leave. Looking back only once to see if the mysterious Camryn had come back....... No sign of her.....I continued to walk. As I reached town I noticed something rather.....peculiar.

Sorry part one is so short and not all that disruptive. Please tell me what you think in the comments thank you.

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