Chapter ten

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A ear piercing scream shook the house. Both France and England ran into the room. "What is it?! What's wrong?!" England gasped. Dragon was sitting at her desk, staring wide eyed at the screen. "What is the matter petit? Is something wrong?!" France asked. Dragon slowly shook her head. "T-there....are....SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!" She squealed happily. And indeed there were. "Mon dieu," France said, suprised. "Bloody hell...." England muttered. "Come on come on lets answer!" Dragon said, pulling up the first question, from LucyxH.

~*bows* okay Dragon~ ^^ Awe~ I hope you feel better~ ^^ and who wouldn't love your scones~ they're delicious! *little glare at France but smiles* Do you guys always have a smile to try to hide your real emotions?~

Dragon grinned. "Thanks! I feel better now! Still stuffed up, but that might just be allergies...." England smirked triumphantly at France, who mutter something about dead tastebuds, before looking at the rest of the question. "I don't about ze others, but oui, not always, but often I 'ave 'ad to do zat." Dragon and England nodded in agreement.

The next question was from Spain_Loves_Churros, and there were two questions from her.

~Well Hola amigo~ *waves at France* Ehehe.......I would like to ask the both of you how should I propose to my girlfriend?

Almost forgot Admin: hi call me Alex no I'm not a dude so....what are both of your thoughts on Prussia?~

France grinned and waved back. "Bonjour mon ami! You want to propose?! Magnifique! You should do something romantic! Find a place with special meaning for ze two of you, take 'er on a date, like a picnic if it iz outdoors, and then propose. (admin: sorry if it's not a good idea, I'm suckish with relationships.....) As for my thoughs sur la Prusse, 'e iz un de mes meilleur amis (On of my best friends). England shrugged, "Prussia is a bit annoying, but he is fun to go drinking with." "He's kinda my dad." Dragon said, not really think. "What?!" She looked at the two men, who were staring at her shocked. "Oh yeah, didn't I say? I'm the rep. of New Prussia. Canada's I guess, and Prussia ist mien Vatti." France and England looked at each other. "Well.....I guess zat explains alot...." France said. Dragon grinned. "Next question!"

caresbear626 asked ~Time to comment! But this time, my incredibly sexy ass boyfriend who is just as in love with hetalia as I, a match made in heaven for sure, will ask the questions! Take it away Scotty! Scott- hello~ ok! If you all could be one OTHER country, who? And what's your biggest regret?~

"PRUSSIA!" Dragon cheered. "Probably Italy." England said, "Because he's so opposite me." "Hmm, maybe China?" France said. Both men frowned at the next part. "Biggest regret?" England smiled sadly. "I have to many to count. Joan of Arc, the American Revolution, just to name a few." France nodded in agreement, squeezing England's hand. The next was from CittyKakes.

~Hi, CittyKakes here, but you can call me Ally! :P Sorry if I'm random, but I just drank hot chocolate with extra sugar! ANYWAY, First question to the Brit—What is your favorite flower? Francy-pants—Wine or champagne? And finally, to Miss Dragon, Hawkeye or Iron Man? A final question to all of you.....Who is the coolest country you know? Besides yourselves, of course. Oh, and England, I recently went sightseeing at your country! Your people are very nice! Here's some fairycakes! *they materialize from the thin air* Okay bye!~

"Tudor roses. And Hungary" England said. "Wine definatly." Francis nodded, "And mon ami Prussia." "IRON MAN ALL THE FUCKING WAY!" Dragon shouted excitedly, "And Germany." England smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." Dragon grinned as the cakes appeared. "Thank you!!!"

blackendrose asked the next question. ~HELLO!!!!!!~ SO! This one is for England! Witch would you rather do? Teach America how to speak *ahem* proper english for 2 weeks or stay in Russia's place (w/o leaving) for two weeks? For France.... still thinking.....*lightbulb appears out of nowhere* I know! What would you rather NOT do? Not stay with England because you'll get killed or get killed because you stayed with England? As for Dragooooooooooooooon~ Your already awesome!*thumbs up*~

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