Chapter seven

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France and England watched in amusement and confusion as Dragon continued to shovel down pancakes. "This is the third day of eating nothing but pancakes..." England muttered. France nodded, "Oui ze only other person I 'ave seen eat pancakes like zat is Canada." Hearing them, Dragon stopped eating, "Um, lets answer some questions, eh?" She clapped a hand over her mouth and quickly opened her laptop, ignoring the looks the two nations were giving her. "Hey, we got another one from LucyxH!" she said.

~*giggles* having Russia as an uncle helps but you can get a very strange weapon and threaten them just like me and my katana~! *brings out bloody katana* Anywho i dont wantcha to starve so........QUESTION~! Britain......why can't I see the flying mint bunny!? -II LOVES ITT- France......What do you do when you hang out with my papa (Spain), and Prussia? AND Dragon~ How can you stand all of this aweshome sexy yaoi-ness?~

France and England both took and involentairy step back, and Dragon chuckled, "Yeah, my drum sicks are like that too. They are very useful weapons~. And thank you for not letting me starve." "After all zose pancakes I don't see 'ow zat is possible." France whispered. England shrugged, before answering his question. "Well love, you can't see him because you aren't magical. That is why Norway can see him as well. Also, because he is my familiar, he chooses to be seen by me, but not nesissairly others." France rolled his eyes. "Cough-insane-cough" Dragon said, ignoring the dirty look England sent her.

France pondered his question. "Well, it depends on ze day. Sometimes we prank other nations, sometime go to bars and 'it on people. Well, at least we used to, before we all got boyfriend. Also, we all meet up at one of our 'ouses, drink, and talk about nos amours. Pour moi (for me) it's mon cher Angleterre 'ere, for Spain it's Romano, and for Prussia it's Canada." Dragon looked down at the mention of Canada, which was unnoticed by the men. Then she noticed that there was a question for her.

"Awesome! A question for me! How do I survive? Lots of practice and lots and lots of tissus. Also lots of batteries and memory cards." She grinned and looked down at here list. "Ok, next we have a question from ariannafox78."

~England, do you prefer to be called England or Iggy? And France, did you make England a cute name, if so then what?~

England grimaced. "I hate being called Iggy. I swear America calls me that just to annoy me." Dragon laughed, "Probably."

France smiled. "Oui, I have many "cute" nick names for my Angleterre. Mon ange (my angel), and Sourciels (eyebrows) are my favorites." He wrapped an arm around England's waist and kissed his cheek. Dragon snapped a picture, before returning her gaze to the computer screen. "Ok, last question is from Madeforpandabears."

~What's your favorite things about each other and why? ((Might have already been asked, but dammit my glasses are faulty!))~

Dragon chuckled, as France and England looked at each other, both blushing lightly. "Um, well." England started, "I love they his eyes twinkle when he is truly happy about something, and how he always sings when he is occupied and thinks he's alone." He looked down, embaressed. France blushed, "I love how undyingly loyal he is. I love his eyebrows. I love how he looks when he sleeps. I love everything about him." "France." England said, hugging the taller blonde tightly. "Angleterre." France held the sides of England's face gently, and kissed him deeply. England sighed softly, twisting his fingers in France's hair.

Dragon stared wide eyed, then sighlently, picked up her computer and walked upstairs to her room and shut the door, making a mental note not to sit on any of the furniture for at least a week. "Well........I think that's all for today folks. Cause there is no way I am going to interupped those two. See you all next time. Thanks for the questions everybody!"

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