CH. 3

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At university

Yn is sitting quickly in the last row of the class. She is waiting for her professor to come and start the lectures.

At that time look out of the window and show one group of friends. In which one girl and three boys are teasing her. Yn smiles a little remembering something, and her her eyes become glossy.

At that time her professor aka the love of her life entered the class to take a lecture.

Students: Good morning sir

Mr. Park: Good morning. Let's start with the lecture. (Take a glance at you and start the lecture)

Yn also shrugs her thoughts and concentrates on the lecturer.

Like this 4 lectures went well. It's time for lunch.

Yn is going to the principal's office.

Yn don't have any friends in college and she also doesn't like to eat alone that's why it's her daily routine to have her breakfast, lunch and dinner with her boyfriends aka BTS.


In the principal's office

Suga: You came?

Yn: Yeah! Where are the others?

Suga: Three Maknae went to bring lunch for everyone and jhope Namjoon both are making plans for the r next function of the college.

Yn: Which function?

Suga: It's a surprise baby girl?

Yn: Ahh! Just tell me, please

Suga: Have some patience, why are you so curious?

Yn: Don't tell me then, by the way, where isJinniee?

Suga: He is on the way, coming from the company.

Yn: Why he is coming from the company?

Suga: There is some important meeting that's why he went to attend it.

Yn: Ok

That's when Jin entered the office. With plastic bag.

Yn: Ohh here he is. Welcome, we are waiting for you.

Jin: That's great.

Yn: How was your meeting?

Jin: It was a simple meeting.

Yn: Oh, by the way, what did you bring in that plastic bag?

Jin: It was some chocolates

Yn : (Excited) For me?

Jimin : Nah for me (duh tone).

Maknae entered with the lunch in their hands. Followed by others also. Namjoon locks the door.

Yn: Why don't you bring it for me you know how much I love chocolates. (sad pout)

Jhope: Don't worry I will buy you lots of chocolates.

Yn : (Cheerfully) Really? You are so sweet.
She goes to him and gives him a tight hug.

V: Don't worry princess that chocolate is for you only he was just kidding.

Jimin: I know you want chocolates so I ask Jin Hyung to bring them (whisper)

Yn: How?

Namjoon: We know you better. (patted her head)

Jk: Okay. Let's eat lunch I am hungry.

Suga: When you are not?

Jk: Did you say something hyung? (Rises his eyebrow)

Suga: Yes and don't raise your eyebrow at me I am not gonna scare you (duh tone)

JK: Yeah yeh

Namjoon: Let's eat before it gets cold.

Like that, they had their lunch with little chit-chat and teasing each other.

After that yn going to her classroom to attend the reaming lectures.

At that time in the hallway, some students are chatting with each other. When she was passing by them she overhear the conversation.

Student 3: I Heard the rumours about youth that are saying Yn is abandoned by her parents.

Student 1: Yes, I also heard that.

Student 2: Not only this, I heard that her best friends also abandoned her. That's why she doesn't have any friends

Yn: Done Talking in my back

All 3 Students panicked and ran from there. Yn is a girl with whom no one wants to mess. If you are a mess with you then you will end up in hospital. That's why all the students who Talk in the back about yn run for their dear life.

Yn went to the room because she was on the verge of a breakdown and she didn't want anyone to see her in this state.

After a while, I came back to the classroom. And go to her usual seat which is in the last row window seat.

She took out her earphones from the bag and started listening to music. The teacher has a meeting going on that's why she has a free lecture

After that lecture. There is an announcement on the speaker.

Principal: Good afternoon students. I would like to announce one thing that, like every year we are gonna celebrate the youth festival this year too so there will be many types of competition. I want you all to participate in a minimum of one competition. If any student wants to participate in more competition then feel free to participate. I and your all teachers would like to see your talent. And if any students have questions regarding this feel free to ask any teachers about that. And all the students have to participate in one competition. So that's all for today. All the best for your competition.

After hearing this all the students start to gossip until the professor comes to teach.

Like that rest of college hours went. And now all the students started living in their respective places.

Yn also came home but she didn't go her home but went to her neighbour's home aka Bangtan's house. She is not in the mood to go to her house.

She came went to her room. yes, in Bangtan's house yn also has her room because she is also part of their family.

After freshening up she lies on the bed and thinks so deeply about today's incident that ven fails to notice that someone come into the room.

??: Cupcake! What are you thinking this deeply?

Yn: Ohh! Namjoon, don't scare me like that (putting her hand on her chest to Calm down)

Namjoon: Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.

Yn: It's ok, by the way, you came early? Where are the others?

Namjoon: Yes we are free today. And others are in their room to freshen up.
I showed your room door open so I came here.

Yn: Wow that's great you came, anyway I am feeling bored.

Namjoon: Let's go downstairs.

Yn: Okiee.


Thank you 😊

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