her past

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Hope's pov
We still had 2 more hours in this flight and our brief conversation was followed by silence
"Hope"I heard him call me
"Yes" I said
"Can I ask you something" he said
"Go ahead" I replied
"How did your parents die" he asked me and all the painful memories came back "if you don't want to say anything, I won't force you"
"It's all my fault, Andrew was supposed to go for a sleepover at his friend's house and my parents were supposed to take him and I asked them to let me follow and they agreed. On our way back, I told them I want McDonald's but they said it would rain soon and we could come back tomorrow but I kept on insisting and they agreed. After we got McDonald's, we started to go home when a thunderstorm started. It was dark and my dad could not see the road and suddenly we crashed into a tree and it fell on our car, my dad protected me by covering me and he died on the spot. My mom and I were taken to the hospital where she died during the operation. Andrew come a few hours later and he hugged me and I cried - we cried. I know he doesn't blame me but I blame myself for it. If I hadn't been stubborn, then they would still be alive" I didn't realize I was crying until he wiped my cheeks
"I can tell that your brother loves you alot and he doesn't blame you so don't blame yourself" he said as he hugged me
"I miss them so much and I know he misses them to"I cry
"It's alright, I'm here " he says and I hug him tighter and cried
After crying my eyes out in front of my boss while hugging him, which I am still boing, I pull back and my cheeks turn red from embarrassment
"Sorry" I say
"For?" He asks with a confused face
"Crying all over your shirt" I say, we were in casual clothes because we did not have anything to attend to after landing
"Oh" he says with a chuck and takes off his shirt, reveling his perfect upper body. I kept staring until I heard a voice
"Like what you see" he says to me and I blush
"Ummm sir...I...I didn't-" I didn't get to finish when he said
"Huh?" I say
"You can call me by my name when we are alone" he explains
"Ethan" I repeat the name and he smiles "aren't you going to wear a shirt?"
"No I like it like this and you can stare at me all you like" he says with a silly grin on his face
The rest of the flight was spent with us talking about random with and about our childhood memories
We landed in France round 5:30 and headed to his penthouse. It was amazing and beautiful
"It's beautiful" I say to him
"Thank you" he says "I usually don't come here and there is no housekeeper so it maybe a little dusty"
"It's alright, I can clean when we have time" I say
He shows me around the house and the room I will be staying in which was right next to his

Ethan's pov
This girl is really something and when she broke down when talking about her parents death, I could see she blamed herself for it and I just couldn't help myself but hug her.
We arrived at my penthouse and I could tell she loved it. I showed her your around the house and showed her the room she will be using which was right next to mine.
There was a heavy thunderstorm at night and I remembered what she said about her parents and I decided to go check on her as most people would be traumatized after such an experience.
I knock on her door but got no answer and decide to open it. The door was not locked and I entered the room and the lights where off
"Hope?" I call her name but get no answer, I switch on the lights and there I saw her
Sitting on the floor hugging herself as she cried in silence.
"Hope?" I say as I get near her
"Make it stop" she whisperers
"Shhhh don't cry, I'm here" I try to comfort her
"Make it stop" she repeats again. I gather her in my hands and take her to my home office I belt in this house
"Here you go, it's soundproof and you won't here the thunderstorm anymore" I tell her and try putting her on the couch but she holds me tighter
"Don't leave me" she says in a low voice as if wondering if I'll actually stay
"It's okay, I won't go anywhere" I reassured her. I place her on the couch and I lay next to her. Thankfully the couch was big enough for the both of us.
After sometime I felt her breath even and I knew she was asleep,I hugged her as we slept on the couch

Hope's pov
I work up early in the morning to someone holding me. I remember there was a thunderstorm and all the terrible memories started hunting me.
As I tried to remove his hand, he held me tighter and opened his eyes
"Good morning hope" he said in a husky voice
"G.... good morning sir" I said " I'm sorry I coused you so much trouble" I said with tears in my  eyes
"Hey, don't cry. You didn't couse me any trouble" he said while wiping my tears away "can I ask you something"
"Yes" I say
"How did you deal with it" he asked me
"Well, Faith and Andrew leave in the apartment next to mine and whenever there is a thunderstorm, they will come to my apartment and we would sleep on the bed together with me in the middle" I explain
"Why don't you just leave with them" he asked
"I used to but I got tired of being the third wheel. At first they didn't like the idea of me  leaving until I told them the apartment is right next to theirs" I tell him " we should probably get up" I tell him after realizing the position we where in.
"What's on my schedule for today?" He asks
"Nothing" I replied
"Good, then let's sleep a little longer" he says and holds me tighter.
"Ethan?" I call but get no answer and I knew he was asleep and slowly I drifted to sleep as well

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