!Dangerous Area!

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'Wednesday 10th of june'

Butter's Pov:

"Hahahaha! And then!" i got interrupted by  phone buzzing while making the most evil and super plan to defeat the hero's once and for all,
"be back here next Wednesday everyone and I'll finish this master plan!" i say at the end of the meeting but early this time too check who the hell is texting me during this important time.

*30 minutes later*

I got back home, dressed back to my normal clothes other than my professor chaos fit.
I sank into my bed and checked who was texting me.

Heyya i wanted too ask you all something as we should do something together, well anyways i want to go too this cool forest and play with a ball i found in the playground yesterday meet you all there at 10pm!

Where do we meet?

At that forest area that had too be closed off due too a attack of coon awhile ago.

Wendy are you sure it's safe, i just mean that coon attacking the forest, can mean he will do it again!

Yeah... I dont think it's safe even mysterion himself didn't say it was, it was blocked off for a reason.

Oh! You're all scaredy cats? Even Butter's isn't that chicken too not come!

Fine we will be there just this once but after that don't force us too do this again,understood?


*end of messages*

Kenny's Pov:

I looked at the group chat kinda fighting but also agreeing with eachother this time instead off starting more drama.
I haven't seen Chaos around and i looked all around south park for a good 2 hours straight but nothing today, which seems unusual.
Maybe a 'little' break wont hurt?


I should start heading as i can see who gets there or is there first!
Always better too be early than on time!


Everyone was playing games with the ball like football, basketball somehow,
Volleyball and played catch the ball for some time until cartman caught the ball and was about too pass to butters and threw it so high it went over a wired fence.
"What the fuck fatass!" kyle screamed at Cartman.
"Shut it Jew!" cartman carried thid argument on even longer!

"GUYS JUST STOP, WILL YOU!?" Stan yelled so we all heard him and there was a loud silence with crickets in the background of our breathing.
"We need too get the ball back,anyone wanna get it?" the black haired boy lowered his tone glancing at each one of us wondering.
"Wendy should get it!" the fat kid replied

"Cartman if you don't stop this then you're getting the ball, understand?"stan said quite calm,
"I will get it, we don't want too be fixing the fence once Eric gets half way by 5:00am" Wendy savagely and worried as she interrupted just right as Eric cartman was about too start a fight again.

(wendy started too climb the fence around 10 feet tall and seemingly odd)

"You're half way there wendy!" Kyle and Stan started cheering her on.

I stood there like a idiot, thinking about this idea,until i realised!
"WENDY GET DOWN!" my muffled up roar got out as the best it could.
I ran too the fence about too climb up until a big screech of buzzing and light blinding and deafening us for a few seconds.
I looked at the others realising something happened.
I stepped a few steps back until my face fell into complete horror!

"Oh my fuckin'god" cartman mumbled and was searching his pocket for his phone to get a picture of this...

Wendy got Electricuted and was hanging on the wired fence as we found out it was a electric fence.
It gets turned on at 12pm straight every night stan spoke up "What did i do..." stan was shaking of fear as he blamed himself "I wanna go home! Wendy needs help! I started this its all my-!" kyle pulled stan into a hug to stop him panicking so much.

"none of this is your fault, you didn't know please.." kyle whispered into stans ear "but-" "Please!" "but-" stan got interrupted by kyle but said 'but' again "where is cartman and we can be arrested for this!" stan mumbled "you two should go home... We can text eachother about what too do." butters started too speak "mhm" my reply too him got muffled again

I looked up towards wendy hanging on the wired fence,if only i went too get the ball no one would be dead! Its my fault she is a... Fried egg now... I turned around too ask butters if he was okay but he just disappeared.
"Butters?!" i raised my voice hoping he didn't run off into the woods, i looked around looking and yelling his name fir 10 minutes until i heard a stick snap! "hello?" I,in my orange hood asked which was stupid as  shit as i should know never too do that as a hero off south park but right now im pretty much a normal person which keeps their identity a secret but no one ever thought or found out im mysterion, i found out everyone's identity like coon is obviously Eric cartman and call girl is Wendy, all the others except professor chaos, he was so much better at hiding his true identity than i expected at first but i did better pretty much all my lives, i hated dying and everyone forgetting but also loved it.

It was apart of me that always stayed i suppose but i snapped back into reality, remembering butters went missing and wendy dying in one night, that's definitely enough i need too go home but i heard someone or something breathing... In thr shadows if waiting for me too come closer and hunt me down, nothing new but i hate the feeling of being eaten alive but a bear.

I walked abit longer sending me a shiver down my spine, i sighed as it was now 1:29am of Thursday 11th of june until i heard metal getting lifted and the next thing i know i seen someone in the corner of my eye and i fell too the ground and everything went dizzy and got darker and darker everytime the footsteps got closer too me, i thought this was going too get me killed tonight.

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