🍀¿Kidnapper? 🍀

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Professor Chao's pov:

The light's flicked on and off a few times as i sat behind Kenny that i injured, hopefully not super bad...
Maybe i should check it out before the rest of the team comes, i shouldn't or i should incase its bad but if it isn't and he isn't happy with me? I let out a sigh just thinking about if i should or shouldn't help Kenny Mccornmick.

I just staring at the unconscious boy and i realising him trying to figure out how too get out of the chair, what is he a expert?
I stood up walking behind him making sure he knew i was there "Well... Well... Well... Look who I've got here." i mysteriously said that freaks people out alot as the villain of south park but kenny didn't seem fazed "Let me out Professor chaos!" the boy with the orange hood mumbled and said.

He was quite adorable being so brave but i wanna see him get scared first!

"oh I see we got a brave pest now do i want too let you go..?" my grin grew big after saying that knowing that i 'must' off scared him, I gotten myself a chair and moved it over infront of him to sit down on it.
His blue ocean eyes looking at me with anger in them made me abit shocked maybe i need to try harder!

"Why am i here!" Kenny raised his voice abit.

"What's you're plan once someone asks you what happened to Wendy last night?"i questioned normally as he didn't really care about my attempts to make him scared.
"I am not telling you!" kenny answered in the way i didn't want it too be answered.
"Don't be a hardball, i know it's scary once someone dies" i told him, i was kinda afraid when she died there aswell.

"it's not scary, whatever you want from me you aren't getting." kenny mumbled.

I chuckled at his response as it was cute, like my hello kitty plushie.

"Listen here, i only want more backup for my evil villain plan and i believe you're perfectly capable of doing it as... Well no one really knows who you are!" i gave him his answer and he looked as if in disbelief...

Kenny's Pov:

What the fuck did he just say?! No way...

"Why should i work for a villain like you and what even is this 'evil villain plan' Chaos?!" i questioned and yelled at the same time,
I was adapting to his very bright lights,
I barely could see but i seen chaos just fine.
I remembered that butter's was still in that forest!
"Where is butters?!"
I asked with a worried look on my face..
"He is safe and i will only tell you my evil villain plan if you join me and my team, i know you might feel uneasy here at first but i know you'll love being a villain with us!" Professor chaos added.

He has Butters or did he send him home?
I knew everyone's identity except this freaks identity..
All a sudden he turned around.
" Well first person here i see! " chaos warmly welcomed a teammate of his in.
" Heyya professor-" human kite lost words as he seen me tied up and chaos almost on me with how close these chairs are!

"What?" me and chaos said at the same time.

I tried closing my eyes but Chaos nudged me so i stayed up ugh...
Human kite was laughing his eyes out, probably because we look like we might bang.
"shut the fuck up kite guy with a hideous disgusting costume!" i rudely made him stop laughing. "Im not that hideous or disgusting am i professor?" human kite wanted Chao's answer.

Chao's tried too keep a straight face but he bursted into giggles which was kinda sexy- NO, NO...

He isn't good he is just a villain too me.
"Stop laughing! I still know you have a crush on mysterion!" kite said defensively.
We all fell silent and i just felt sick after he said that...
Their bickering stopped as Chaos glared at me.
"don't you dare tell this happened understand..?" chaos slowly requested me too keep it a secret.

I really found it hilarious, why am i not trying to escape from here.

Cartman or should i say 'Coon' entered the lab, lair thing, whatever they called here and seems like they didn't want him here.

Professor chao's pov: 

Human kite was sitting beside me on the floor as we stared at Coon the worst guy ever...
He was fat, selfish, greedy, and worse of all he was most likely Eric Cartman.
People say and talk about him at school asking and saying "is eric really a villain!" or "Look its coon the fat pig Guy!" it happens once in a while,he always defends himself anyways really.

"Stop fucking staring at me and kill this orange bitch!" Coon yelled loudly.

"Oh no you don't, Eric get out or i will get my team over here and beat you up!" i threatened him for the 100th time as a villain i suppose.
I stood up and walked over to him and slapped his face hard!
He ran off right after that slap,
"should i go chase him professor?" kite wondered.
"No, you don't need to best if you head home now." i answered his question.

*35 minutes later*

He got tired and left while i was here with kenny at 2:41am.

I was tired.         I closed my eyes for the night, slowly dozing off infront off Kenny...
(sorry this part of professor chaos/butters pov is short)

Kenny's pov:

The blonde villain fell asleep infront of me. I let out a yawn knowing my team won't be here to save me this time, i started fidgeting around with the very well tied ropes around my arms until i untied them, it was a skill i learnt from my first kidnaping.

I got myself untied.

I leaped off the chair, while being aware to not wake up the sleeping professor chaos.
What a new experience to me i guess...

I was about too go while i remembered one more thing!
I can find out who he is as he is having a nap, i walked towards him and started lifting up his head piece, i took it off and took one look at him...

It was butters..?

I left his hat thing on his lap and ran off into the night.

Wendy dying, getting kidnapped and now finding out professor chaos is my own crush and a sweetheart i thought i knew. 
I was so shocked i didn't see the car coming and got hit.

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