Chapter 1- You shouldn't rift on a full stomach

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   Finn was suddenly awoken to a broom hitting his butt. Then his blanket ripped from his body. "Huhh? squinting up at whoever did this. "Wake up! You need to start cleaning!" His grandma's voice boomed, instantly waking him up. He quickly sat up but his vision was still blurry, rubbing his eyes to clear them up the sun blasted them when he did. Blocking the sun with his hand he looked at the clock on top of his bedside drawer, it read 11:54 am. "You've been sleeping in too long and you promised you'd help clean." His grandma said opening the other windows curtain allowing more sun to blare in. It doesn't seem that late to Finn, it's only twelve I haven't slept in long, He thought in his head.

  Getting up he stretched his arms and turned side to side for his back, "I saved you some eggs and waffles." His grandma called as she walked out into the hallway. Finn changed his shirt and put on his shoes before brushing his teeth in his bathroom, stopping for a moment to act like his toothbrush is a huge sword; Slashing it through the air, " Die!" He muffled with a mouthful of toothpaste, droplets of water fell from his toothbrush as he slashed. 

  Walking through the hallway one picture of Finn and his parents hung on the wall surrounded by others of memories of him and his grandmother's life. But only one of his parents. Glancing away from the picture he walked into the living room, an opening in the living room led to the kitchen, heading towards the right Finn entered the kitchen to see his grandma setting out a plate on the table. "Thank you grandma." He said with a smile. "You're welcome, now eat quickly. I have a lot of work for you to do in the attic. Rats might be up there." She pointed towards the ceiling where the entrance to the attic was. "Alright grandma, I'll get it done." She left the kitchen, patting the puffy gray curls on her head, she seemed to always be patting them.

  Finn quickly ate the eggs and waffles, he thought he didn't have an appetite but was surprised when he finished everything. Now it's time for the attic. Usually they say not to be active right after eating but I don't really feel like waiting, he thought. Leaving his plate in the sink he walked towards the living room, he was going to ask grandma where she wanted all the trash but when he entered the living room he could see she fell asleep sitting on the recliner, TV remote in hand and a random channel that seemed to be advertising vacuums. Finn smirked. And she said I was sleeping in. He turned back into the kitchen, squatting in front of the sink and opened the small cabinet doors. He grabbed a duster and a few trash bags before kicking the doors closed.

  Setting the stuff on the floor under the attic door he grabbed a table chair, stepping on top of it he opened the door by pulling a latch that held it closed. It flung open revealing a stench and dust. Finn coughed twice before covering his nose with his sleeve. Stepping down he grabbed the bags and duster, thrusting it into the hole in the ceiling he grabbed his phone from his pocket; Turning on the flashlight. Raising his arms up he used his elbows and arms to lift himself up, his hand touched a layer of dust that had formed on the attic floor. Successfully lifting himself inside he shined his flashlight around. The attic is small, it has a cone shaped ceiling and smells like something died in it. Finn looked around his feet to see boxes spread everywhere, dust covered most, and cob webs connected between the gaps of most boxes. Finn began cleaning.

  Looking down at the watch on his left wrist the green numbers glowed 12:30. Looking around at his work so far he had cleaned the first half of the attic, there was only the back half to do. The boxes had been stacked against the wall and the floor was dusted, these together made the attic more spacious and clean. Finn turned around and focused on the rest of the boxes, this section had boxes that seemed too full, the cardboard half slabs that keep the box closed are hanging  half open. Finn began to push boxes aside as he made his way into the pile. Reaching the corner he found a black metal box, it was behind a few heavy boxes. It caught Finn's attention. The rest of the boxes were cardboard and mostly small metal boxes but this one was sort-ave big. It's about a foot long and a foot wide. It has two gold latches that are welded on the side of the box. The weird thing is the latches don't have any way of un-clipping them to open the lid, they are welded to both sides sealing the lid shut,  Finn looked on the other side to make sure he was looking at the front. On the other side were two small hinges that swing lids open. Finn's curiosity grew as he turned the box back over. Something is inside, it's not heavy but it sounds like metal hitting the inside wall of the box; He thought as he lifted it and shook it.

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