*Requested* My Everything ~ Ultra Magnus x Wheeljacks sister!🍋

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Thanks for requesting this Elisir7!! I'm really excited about this!

Hope ya like it!!!


Your POV

I couldn't believe it. It was him, the mech I've loved for such a long time, standing right in front of me.

"(Y/n), it's been a long time."

"Indeed it has, Ultra Magnus." I could do nothing but stand there looking at the mech before me.

My brother, Wheeljack looked over at me confused and waved a servo in front of my face, "(N/n)? Everything okay?"

I nodded and smiled a little, to be honest I wasn't okay.

The mech that had stolen my spark was alive. I thought he had died after Cybertron died and decided to accept it.

"I'm glad your safe." I smiled up at him and walked up, placing my servo on his arm.

I heard a huff from behind me and turned my helm to see Wheeljack with glaring at me and Ultra Magnus, let's just say my brother didn't have the best history with the commander.

Wheeljack stomped forward and pulled my servo off of Magnus's arm and pulled me away.

"What was that?!"

"What do you mean?"

Jackie looked at me and rolled his optics, "that back there! You were totally into him!"

I smiled, "so? It's not your decision on who I like, it's mine."

"So you do like him?"

"W..well what does it matter to you?"

"It matters because that happens to be the one bot I absolutely hate!"

I rolled my optics, "yes I do like him Jackie, I love him."

"Oh frag no you don't!"

"Oh frag yes I do!"

Ultra Magnus POV

"Oh frag no you don't!"

"Oh frag yes I do!"

Magnus couldn't help but over hear the two of you arguing.

I listened as (y/n) confessed her feelings towards me to Wheeljack, making her brother livid.

My spark started pounding against my chassis when she said she loved me, the femme that stole my spark vorns ago just said she loved me.

I smiled knowing that after we settled things and found Optimus that I would confess my feelings towards her and finally claim her as my own, and hopefully Wheeljack won't hate his sister too much if she accepts me.

Time skip

Your POV

I smiled as I watched Jackie and Bulk lob, we had defeated the deceptions and got Optimus back, the only things that were different was Optimus had a new frame, and we had to find a new base.

The new base was roomy but still wasn't the same as our old one, but I didn't mind I was just happy that Ultra Magnus was here.

Optimus had paired us together as partners, knowing that we were a great team.

"(Y/n), I would like to have a word with you, in private."

I nodded and followed Magnus. He led  me down the hall to where the berth rooms were and stopped when he was in front of his own.

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