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A/n(Sharly) POV



Taehyung : sara is trusted woman even I trust her..but in the end it's ur choice..
Y/n : okay then..I will buy that land..if any problem occurs then I will manage it..
Taehyung : that's like my girl...okay now let's sleep tomorrow we have alots of work.. tomorrow jungkook will accompany u as I have important work...after ur work done then come to Kim Mansion..*y/n nod.. both of them slept with full peace*

Next day

*Next day taehyung woke up first...he slept very peacefully...he had very relaxing sleep...he look at the side and saw y/n sleeping while hugging him actually..she didn't slept well bcz taehyung have habit of taehyung snoring..after alots of struggle she slept... taehyung found one problem..his snoring which cause problem for y/n to sleep...so he thought to fix his snore problem..he slowly removed her hand and legs & get up slowly without any sound so her sleep wouldn't get distributed..*

*He get up and got fresh up...after that he went to kitchen to make breakfast for them...after 10 mins y/n also wake up bcz of her alarm sound...she sit up and look around with her sleepy eyes..she didn't found taehyung in room..she slowly get up from bed and fresh up..after she done she went to kitchen..she only saw tae cooking..he is looking hot while cooking..she silently went towards him and backhug him*


*He shock when y/n backhug...*
Y/n : what are u cooking tae?
Taehyung : sandwich and juice...*stutter and nervous*
Y/n : ohh that's great...*close her eyes*
Taehyung : btw did u slept properly?
Y/n : not really..
Taehyung : ohh 😮 is it bcz of me? I will fix my snore don't worry...(this is actually my real problem..I can't sleep of someone snore)

Y/n : it's okay...
Taehyung : well come breakfast is ready...
Y/n : okay...*she seat in the chair while taehyung place breakfast on the table...both of them eat their breakfast after that taehyung went to office while y/n went with Sara to finalize the land... afterwards y/n done with her work she went to Kim Mansion with Sara while taehyung will come directly..y/n pack their clothes already and take them with her...*

Time skip

*Y/n came with Sara to Kim Mansion to stay there for the weekend so she can also get comfortable with her future in laws and make connections with them...*
Mrs kim : ohh welcome dear welcome...
Y/n : thank u...*she smile*
Sara : come y/n I will show u taehyung room u stay there okay..*she nod* mom i will come after showing her taehyung room..*Mrs kim nod..sara took y/n to taehyung room*

Time skip to at night

*Whole day y/n get Along with her husband sister in law's and his sister... whole day they talk with each other and get to know each other likes and dislikes...they had alots of fun..*
Ji-su : omg unnie u are so funny...u seriously do that..? *Ask while laughing*
Y/n : *laugh* yeah then what can I do..he was eating my brain..and also I was getting annoyed so yeah..I had no other option..

Joy : my god u must be wild person *laugh* how will our tae will survive with u?
Maddy : he can survive after all opposite personality attracts each other..
Juhi : so true...*y/n blush* ohh she someone is already blushing...
Y/n : aish unnie stop teasing me..*she blush..others laugh...at that time other boys also came and they heard a laughing sound They looked in front and saw y/n ,  ji-su and their wifes are laughing and having fun together..*

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