Chapter 11

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

" Hey, Kookie," Taehyung said smiling as he saw Jungkook going for a walk. Jungkook turned around and smiled once he saw Taehyung

Jungkook looked down at Taehyung hand and saw that he was walking a big Golden retriever

Jungkook jumped up and down as he pointed to the big golden dog and started to walk up to them

" Like the dog?" Taehyung said smiling as he watched Jungkook lean down and pet him in the head. The dog liked Jungkook's hand and the smaller boy giggled

Jungkook shook his head yes and stood back up

" So the dog can get a hug but I can't?" Taehyung said pouting and opening his arms wide. Jungkook blushed a little and gave him a hug

Taehyung hugged him back and kissed his forehead. " Where are you going?" Taehyung asked him

Jungkook pouting and motioned his hand to the leash that Taehyung was holding. Taehyung smiled at Jungkook

" Do you want to walk him?" Taehyung said teasing the smaller boy and Jungkook nodded his head. The older kindly gave him the lease and Jungkook smiled in happiness

" Are you going anywhere specific?" Taehyung asked Jungkook and the boy shook his head no

" Okay good. Would you like to come to the doggy park with me and Noddle? " Taehyung asked and Jungkook smiled and shook his head yes

" Good, because I wasn't going to take no for an answer," Taehyung said winking and holding Jungkook's hand

Jungkook didn't know where they were going so he just followed Taehyung where ever he was walking

Taehyung was humming and softly caressing Jungkook's hand. Jungkook looked down at their hands and he blushed while looking at Taehyung softly caressing his smaller hand

Jungkook nervously tapped on Taehyung's shoulder and the boy looked at him

Jungkook was about to say someone until Taehyung looked at him in the eye. On this day, Taehyung decided to wear his green contacts which made his blond hair stand out even more

" You want to tell me something Kookie?" Taehyung said smiling and he waved his hands in front of Jungkook's face

Jungkook quickly got out of his notepad and pen. He started to write something on the white paper. " It looks like we are dating "

" We are best friend remember, best friends usually seem like they are dating due to how close they are, " Taehyung said smiling at Jungkook

Jungkook nodded his head and looked down at the dog. Taehyung looked at the smaller boy and smiled

Jungkook was an extremely cute person to Taehyung. The way his eyes lighted up at the most simple things. Taehyung thought Jungkook's eyes were the most noticeable thing about the smaller boy

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and smiled. Taehyung didn't hide the fact that he loved staring at Jungkook's face

" Do you know how beautiful you are? " Taehyung said pointing out and Jungkook blushed and looked away

" Here is the park, " Taehyung said while opening the gate. Jungkook smiled once he saw all of the dogs running around the park

Taehyung leaned down and took off Noddle's lease. " You can go, Buddy," Taehyung said and Jungkook looked at him with a worried look

" What's wrong Kookie," Taehyung said looking at the black-haired boy. Jungkook pointed to the dog, pointed to the area and the leash

" Aw Kookie, Noddle is a well-trained dog. He won't run away or go missing " Taehyung said

" Noddle" Taehyung called out and the Golden Retriever walked up to Taehyung. The fluffy animal sat down in front of him

" Listen, you will come back to me when I call your name okay? Don't run away. Got it, Noddle?" Taehyung asked while holding his hand out

Noddle barked and placed his paw in Taehyung's hand. Jungkook's mouth went wide because of how obedient the dog was towards Taehyung

" Good boy, you can go play now," Taehyung said throwing a ball and Noddle ran after it

" Yes, Noddle is an extremely good dog," Taehyung said smiling and holding on to the Jungkook's hand. He walked them over to a swing set and he sat down

" We've been hanging out so much, I love it, " Taehyung said smiling as he starts to swing himself on the swing set

" I like that we hang out a lot, " Jungkook wrote and Taehyung smiled at me

" I'm glad that you like us hanging out. It's extremely nice to have a friend that is genuine " Taehyung said smiling and pinching his cheek

" Stop flirting with me, " Jungkook wrote and Taehyung smirked at him

" Really? But you blushing is extremely cute though " Taehyung said frowning and Jungkook smiled playfully

" I can't wait for you to be comfortable with me, I can't wait to hear your voice," Taehyung said smiling

" My voice is ugly," Jungkook wrote down and Taehyung smiled softly at him

" I'm sure that is a lie, I bet your voice is soft and sweet," Taehyung said smiling and Jungkook groaned again

Taehyung and Jungkook would usually flirt all the time when they would hang out together. Of course, both of them thought that they were just being friendly towards each other

They both knew well enough that Taehyung was most definitely flirting with Jungkook, he'd do it until he knew that Jungkook was happy

" Come here Noddle" Taehyung called out, the sweet dog started to run towards them. " Good boy," Taehyung said smiling as he started to put the lease on him

Noddle saw a bird fly by them and he immediately ran towards it. Due to Taehyung holding his lease, Taehyung's body jerked forward, resulting in him landing on top of Jungkook

" Ouch" Jungkook mouthed and he looked up. His face turned red as a tomato as he saw that he was face to face with Taehyung

" Sorry...." Taehyung said smiling softly and Jungkook blushed and Taehyung smiled softly

" Well, this is a comfortable position," Taehyung said winking at the boy and Jungkook playfully hit his shoulder. Taehyung smiled softly and rolled off of Jungkook

" Sorry," Taehyung's said smiling and kissing Jungkook's nose before helping him up

Jungkook hugged him before going to go Noodle. Taehyung followed behind me and he smiled at the happiness that Jungkook was showing him

" You're something special Jungkook "

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