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two || new friends in this lonely city

this will have detailed paragraphs of violence, please be aware. if you are not comfortable, go ahead and skip when you see "🪷" and continue on when you see "💫"


Taehyun's eyes shot opened with pure horror, a loud gasp mixed with a scream echoed out as he pushed himself up off of his bed, immediately grabbing at his throat to make sure he was okay before looking around to make sure there was no dagger near him.

Heavily breathing for a few minutes, the male grabbed his hair and harshly blinked the tears away as he looked at the clock next to him.

4:44 am.

The male wanted to fucking punch himself, he could've gotten six more hours of precious sleep if it weren't for that... that terrifying... nightmare.

They're getting worse and worse. He closed his eyes and dug his face into his hands to stop himself from sobbing. It's not real. it's not real. it's not real.

It was like he was out of it, that nightmare he had... it was the first time ever where he had dreamt something so violent it physically and mentally exhausted him. He hated it, he hated how he could remember every single fucking detail.

He doesn't know where that nightmare had rooted from, he had never ever in his life seen or watched anything so horrible involving that, the worse part of it all was how he could feel every single bit of pain in that moment.

From the out of breath feeling, anxious and terrified emotions, adrenaline racing to run as fast as he can to where he was filled with pure frightening emotions when it felt like he was pinned down and unable to move, all the way to the moment where that mysterious person he was running away from had swung the knife down, and in one clean cut, had slit his throat open with ease.

Shakily touching his throat, he couldn't help but choke on his tears when it felt like that ghostly injury was there, forcing him to take his hand away from his body before he broke down even more.

Placing one foot on the cold floor, a tsunami of chills ran down his body as he forced himself to stand up, there was no point on going back to sleep when he was too panicked to and afraid of having that nightmare continue.

My first day in the city alone I already get a horrid dream like that. Taehyun ruffled his hair, cringing at the greasiness of it due to how badly he was sweating. On the first day of work too? I'm fucked.

Taking a deep breath to ease his mind, the male walked out of his room and out into the living room where it was hella dark, only the faint light of street lights illuminated in which gave him at least a somewhat view of where he was going.

No matter how hard he tried to distract himself, he always felt like there was something creeping in the shadows, mixing that with his fucked up sanity... let's say it wasn't a very bright experience for him.

He wanted to call Sunoo, his mother, or even his father but he didn't want to disturb them, especially not after barely a day later, they'll force him back to his hometown.

It was a burden though, every single night, ever since he was little, these dreams or nightmares constantly haunted him. It started off fine, just normal like dreams where he would dream of standing in some sort of field or even playing with a toy when he was a child, every time he woke up... it all felt so real.

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