Not Father or Mother

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(Hearing a knock at the door Manami instantly knows who it is opening the door and seeing (Y/N) with three kids)

(Y/N): "Hey guy I-"

Manami: "Where have you been. and why do you have three kids with you."

Akutami: "He kil-"

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Akutami: "He kil-"

Kouki: *Covers Akutami Mouth* "We don't have anywhere to go and he's helping us."

Manami: *Stares Intensifies*

(trying to change the subject (Y/N) looks around and see Nanako and Mimiko looking in there direction he says a joke)

(Y/N): "Honey, I'm home."

Nanako: *Blushes* "D-Don't honey us! you really have kids, and they even look like you don't you agree sis?!"

Mimiko: *Blushes* "Y-Yeah"

(Y/N): *Thoughts: "Well at least they don't think I'm a kidnapper. But that are some high exceptions to have for me!"

(Y/N): "There not mines blondie!"

Nanako: "Then who's" *Pouts*

Mimiko: *Nods*

(Y/N): "There from the three big clans. I just saved them from...uh monkeys in a petting zoo."

Nanako: "Well don't worry us like least pick up your phone or text back..."

Akutami: "Mama Mimiko and Nanko shouldn't be mad at papa"


Mimiko: *Blushes* "M-m-mama?!"

Nanako: *Embarrassed* "What?! I-uh fine. But only because you soooo cute!"

(Y/N): *Whisper: "Hey Kouki, Akutami. Thanks for the save, let's make some Mochi Ice Cream."

Kouki/Akutami: "Ok Geto-Sama/Yes!"

Nanako/Mimiko/Manami: "Geto!?/Geto?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, I'm making it my last name. He was like my father even if we weren't related."

(Making them smile then Manami notices something about (Y/N) making her walk up to him and grab his face)

Manami: "What happened? Who gave this scar? do you-

(Y/N): "I've dealt with them, so you don't have to worry Mo- Manami-Sama."

Manami: "(Y/N). If anything, else happens tell me."

(Y/N): "Yeah of course I will. But I need to go shower this blood off of me then go get everything we need for the Mochi"

Manami: "....Alright...but you better come back! Any longer and I'm coming to find you."

(Y/N): "Alright" *Chuckles*

(Once he gets outside, he texts Furinji about what happened in the mission)


Texting On Phone:

            "I killed the guy you asked about, as well as the woman." :(Y/N)

OldFart_Furinji: "Do you have their bodies?"

                                        "Yeah, I have them. Where should we meet up?" :(Y/N)

OldFart_Furinji: "I'll send you the buildings location."

                                                                                                                "Alright." :(Y/N)


                                                                  Time Skip

(Y/N): "Where do I put them?"

Furinji: "Just there on the table"

Cursed Worm: *Spits them out*

Furinji: "Ha, Great here's your payment kid. You've don't a great job for your first hit" 

(Furinji gives (Y/N) a briefcase)

Furinji: "That'll be all for now. I also added a little bonus for the Gojo."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

(After a while (Y/N) leaves the building seeing a bench he decides to sit on it and look at what's in the briefcase once opened he sees a lot of Yen, but he keeps looking through it and see that it's safe)

(Y/N): "Well I'll get that Mochi recipe I guess."

Cursed Worm: "....Fake Mama!....Fake Mama!..."

(Y/N): "What? There's no one here."

Cursed Worm: "...Home!...Home!..."

(Y/N): *Thoughts: "Fake mama at our home? ...they called Akutami mama but not fake..."

(Realizing something maybe wrong (Y/N) gets up and races back to his home)

(Realizing something maybe wrong (Y/N) gets up and races back to his home)

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(Let me cook fr and I'll try not to burn the house again......also I know it's short, for what reason I don't know maybe you need to stop being so awesome and cool)

[Book: 1] Heavenly Savior (Male Reader x Jujutsu Kaisen)Where stories live. Discover now