Father's Love

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Yuta: I don't understand! I don't know about any sorcerers outside of this school, so I don't know if you're right or not!"

(As Yuta is saying this, he gets an image of Maki then Panda and lastly Inomaki in his head) 

Yuta: "But in order to Remain what all my friends...In order for me to believe that's it's okay that I'm alive...I have to kill you!

Geto: "You egotistical ape. Still, self-affirmation, huh? There's probably nothing more important than that in life. In which case, I'll also use my full force to kill you. I won't compromise on quality or quantity anymore. Did you know, there are only five people crowned Special Grade? Among curses, there are sixteen. this is one of them. Special Grade potential apparition, Tamamo-no-mae incarnate! On top of that, I'll combine the 30,231 curses I possess into one, and strike you with it. 'Cursed Spirit Manipulation Supreme Art: Uzumaki'"

(Going back to Tokyo we see some Sorcerers fighting a big curse but it cushes one and then eats the other leaving one that hit away into a car seeing two other sorcerers closer too it the woman steps out, but Nanami stops her before anything happens walking past them)

Nanami: *Loosens Tie* "I'll take care of it."

(Getting ready he runs at the big Curse running up someone's car leaving dents as he jumps up and stabs into the curse sliding down it with his blunt sword once he's on the street he cuts both its legs knocking the Big curse down but once that happens a crowd of small curses come at him from a building making him jump back and take his tie wrapping it around his hand then run at the crowd of curses throwing a punch he release a 'BLACK FLASH' kill them all but another groups of curses come some he turns and jumps at them punching them with another 'BLACK FLASH' killing them all only for one last group of curses to come at him which he releases another 'BLACK FLASH' once done he see that the big curse has healed letting him go for a bite attack but Nanami dashes through it slicing it in half with his Kento Blade enhanced with a 'BLACK FLASH' switching over to Kamo jumping roof to roof seeing three curses causing him to jump off the roof and shoot at them with his arrows killing one while the other two dodged and ran aways but Miwa stands in there way using 'New Shadow Style Simple Domain: Quick Draw' killing the two curse dogs but suddenly cursed wasps crash though a wall aiming for Miwa but someone blasts them completely)

Mechamaru: "Don't let your guard down, Miwa!" 

Miwa: "Mechamaru, above!"

(But someone shoots the fly curses down with a gun)

Mai: "You, too"

Kamo: "Everyone, stay alert"

Momo: "Kamo-Kun Seven cursed spirits at two o'clock." 

Kamo: "Roger that. where did Todo go?" 

Momo: "oh uhm, I think you'll see him soon." 

(Hearing building crashing Todo comes bursting out of the dust smiling) 

Kamo: "Where have you been all this time, Todo-"

(Suddenly Seeing a Giant Samurai Curse peaking from a building walking there way it roars)

Kamo: "Wh-what is that cursed energy?"

(Only for him to see Todo turn and get ready to fight it) 

Kamo: "That one's dangerous, Todo! Don't rush in on your own! Wait for back-" 

Todo: "Starting at eight, the talk show's do a Christmas live special it'll will be hosting TAKADA-CHAN!"

Leaving them to just look at him:

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