Changes. -The Vampire Diares-

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I let out a short breath as I pulled to a stop in front of the Salvatore boarding house. I quickly turned off the car getting out a closing the driver side. I fiddled my thumbs looking at the house. I shoved my car keys in my side bag. My boots kicked several rocks as I walked to the front door. I reached the door and looked at the to see if any lights were on so I can have at least some indication that someone was home.

I huffed and brought my hand up knocking on the door. I quickly dropped my hand stepping back slightly. The door opened to reveal a man. He had fair skin and mossy green eyes that could win any girl over. His jaw was tight as he looked at me; A single birth mark was placed on his jawline and his hair was wet and ruffled showing he had taken a shower.

"Katherine?" He looked at me with wide eyes. His deep, smooth voice swooning me.

"No, uh... I'm Eva." I bit my lip trying my best not to stutter as I usually would.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you were someone else. Can I help you?" His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as he crossed his arms.

"Uh well. I heard Elena Gilbert was living here. Since the Gilbert house was burned down." I gulped just thinking of Jeremy and Elena. She probably felt 20 times worse then I did.

"She does live here. But she's out right now." His gaze softened a bit but something flashed in his eyes when he said 'She's out right now.'

"Oh.. do you know when she will be back?" I questioned my voice small. I felt so intimidated under his strong gaze.

"No I don't, But why do you need to see her?" He questioned his gaze no longer soft. I shifted slightly running my hands threw my thick hair.

"I'm Eva Gilbert. My brother Jeremy was killed in the fire. I'm just here to see Elena. I never really met her." I blurted a bit quickly. His eyes went wide and he swallowed hard.

"I see the resemblance between you and Elena. We're did you come from?" He stepped over the threshold licking his lips. I stepped a bit back.

"My mom?" I laughed slightly raising a eyebrow. He chuckled deeply and sexily. "I'm from Las Vegas." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Las Vegas? neat." He smiled causing me to smile back. "Oh uh I'm Stefan by the way." He stuck out his hand. I grabbed his hand my small hand looking tiny in his big hand. I noticed a antique looking ring.

"Nice ring." I bit my lip pulling my hand from his and looked up.

"Thank you." He smiled slightly and looked up meeting my gaze.

" I should get going. " I bit my lip smiling a tiny bit.

"Uh. you want to wait for Elena?" He questioned. "It would be nice to get to know you." He smiled.

"That would be nice." I smiled back. He stepped out the way and ushered me inside.

"Ladies first." He looked from under his eyelashes. I looked down my hair shadowing my face.

"Thank You." I breathed and stepped into the house. Stefan let out a sign of relief. I bridge it off and looked around the house and smiled.

"Wow.. It's nicer inside then outside." I pushed my hair behind my ear. I heard the door close and Stefan walk behind me.

"Thanks." I could tell he was smiling. "Want anything to drink?" He walked forward to the living room. I walked after him looking at photos on the walls and other things.

"No I'm okay." I bit the inside of my cheek walking down 3 steps and going into the living room. He grabbed a bottle pouring himself a drink. He walked over to one of the couches sitting down. I followed and sat on the couch across him.

"So you're Elena's sister." He leaned back and took a swing on his drink.

"Well yeah. She doesn't know about me. I started talking to Jeremy last year he found me while he was doing research on a project or something. He contacted me and we just started talking." I ran my fingers threw my hair taking a deep breath. Stefan sat up placing his cup on the table and leaning his elbows on his knees.

"So you and Jeremy talked since then?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah.. Every single day. He told me how our parents passed and about Elena. But he kept so much from me and when I would ask he would always say "Too much drama. It's already ruined my family. I WON'T let it ruin you." I never understood what he meant." I let out a small cough looking at Stefan. He nodded.

"Who did you live in Vegas with?"

"My aunt Sarah." I bit back tears thinking of herm

"What happen to her?" He whispered knowing it was a soft subject.

"Animal attack she died 3 months ago. I contacted Jeremy and told him about it. I was supposed to come here 2 months ago to live with him, but I got sidetracked and I regret it cause I never got to meet him." My voice cracked at the last part. I looked down taking short deep breaths repeating over and over in my head not to cry.

"I'm so sorry." I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I wiped some tears that fallen annoyed with myself for crying in front of someone I just met.

"I'm fine." I mumbled to him, but it was more towards myself. Not only was I trying to convince Stefan that I was fine but also I was trying to convince myself.

"Stefan. I'm home and angry." I heard a husky voice say. Stefan stopped rubbing my back and looked up.

"Oh well look what's going on here." I heard the voice again. Stefan stood up taking my hand helping my stand. I took my gaze from the floor and pushed hair behind my ear.

There before me stood a person. A completely and utterly attractive person. His muscular body slighting showing underneath his leather jacket. His jet black hair ruffled as If he ran his fingers threw it many time. His piercing blue eyes gazing at me wide.

"Damon, this is Eva. Eva Gilbert" Stefan said almost as a warning. I broke from my staring contest I was having with 'Damon' and looked at Stefan. I felt intimidated by both men. They were both stunning ans I stood here like nothing.

"Nice to meet you Eva." Damon smiled thinly walking over to a cabinet and pulling out a glass and poured himself a drink. I smiled slightly and nodded.

"Where's Elena?" Stefan questioned pulling the drink from Damon's hand.

"well no need to snatch brother." Damon snarled taking his drink back. "No need to look tough in front of our guest. Now do we?" He smirked and chugged the whole drink. I let out a small giggle ans Damon's head snapped toward me and he smirked. I instantly stopped giggling and looked down.

"Where is she." Stefan huffed.

"Well I'm right here." I heard a voice very similar to mine. So similar I thought I had said something. A girl walked in my eyes went wide she had her hair slightly curled and her tan skin perfect. Her brown eyes flickered over to me and she snarled.

"Look who decided to show up." She growled and charged toward me. Her face looked different I screamed Stefan nearly tackled her holding her back and Damon stood prospectively in front of me.

"Elena, it's not Katherine that's Eva." Damon looked at Elena still keeping me behind him.

"How would you know! It could be Katherine pretending!" Elena growled still fighting Stefan.

"Smell the air." Stefan groaned. I gulped looking over Damon's shoulder to see Elena no longer fighting Stefan, she stood still and pushed him away.

"Why do you look like me." Elena hissed pushing Damon also out of the way. Her eyes dark and mean as she looked down at me. My heart sped up and I gulped.

"I-I don't k-Know." I stuttered terrified. She smirked

"Well you smell amazing." Elena smirked

"Elena! NO!" Stefan and Damon both yelled. But they were too late she threw herself at me.

A pain erupted in my neck. I let out a scream as she dug her nails in my back. White spots dances around my vision I felt Elena ripped from me. My hand went too my neck I looked around dazed. Stefan voice seemed far away as he looked at me worried. He held my shoulders saying stuff. I let out a breath and collapsed the world going dark around me.

Changes. -The Vampire Diares-Where stories live. Discover now