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"I'm sorry Agito..." I frowned as I packed some sleepwear in a mint colored duffel bag and left my house.

I left Agito on read and dropped my phone in the pool, causing it to malfunction and stop working.

I walked 30 minutes to an hour away from home into the dense wilderness until I saw that familiar metal door with the old rusty hatch 10 meters away.

I opened it and climbed down the ladder and made my way through the labyrinth of corridors and tunnels until I found that familiar looking caution tape colored black door which led into his living room/clone room.

Rave had just gotten out of the shower and only wore a neon green towel wrapped below his waist and surprisingly I noticed that he looked so hot without his mask.

"Hi Rave", I greeted as I opened his door.

"Y/N", he growled.

I was about to respond but I was becoming too predictable.

"Will you let me do the talking now? Because I'm sick of hearing the germs come out of your mouth", he sneered.

I sat down on the couch and listened as he poured himself a glass of lemonade.

"Look, I am truly and sincerely sorry for nearly killing you in a psychotic rage. It-It's just that I was struggling to find the words to tell you that I had feelings for you and that day when you called Soa's hotline I had lost my shit."

He continued.

"I know that you didn't sleep with Espuma on purpose. He used you against me to get a rise out of me and I realize that now. All of your friends hate me and I feel like they'll hate you too if you stay with me", he frowned and looked away with remorse.

I gently guided his pretty face to look into my (E/C) eyes.

"I don't care about what my friends think about us. I've realized that after fighting with my emotions and losing sleep for a whole night that my heart belongs to you, Rave".

I took a short breath.

"And I truly truly mean it this time. It will be me and you against the world. Just say those three words and I'm yours. I promise", I looked into his eyes with anticipation as my lips were inches away from his.

Rave hesitated for a few seconds until he made up his mind and finally said the words.

"I love you, Y/N. I really do".

He pulled me in for a long passionate kiss and then pulled away to catch his breath. His breath smelled like spearmint bubble gum and his lips tasted like peppermint.

"Now that wasn't so hard wasn't it?" I teased as he rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Trust and believe, I know something that will be much harder than that", he smirked.

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he finally opened the secret door to his private quarters.

"Well Y/N, do you want to find out my secret?" he chuckled.

I gave him a very questionable teasing look.

"Hell, yes I do!!" I chimed as we walked in his private quarters together.


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