The Great, The Bad, The Worst

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"Sierra! Wake up! You have school remember?" I heard my brother whisper to me while shaking my arm. No, wait, let me correct myself. My foster brother told me. No way in hell are these people going to be my family, my family was dead. "Alright, alright, I'm up." I grumbled, taking the blankets off. "Get out of my room Kyle, I'll be down in 3." I told him, pushing him out the door. "I'll make coffee!" I heard him yell from downstairs. I let a slight grin come through my usual scowl. 'That kid sure knows how to make my morning happier.' I thought quietly.

My name is Sierra Elizabeth Fuentes. I'm 12, almost 13 years old in the next couple weeks. My father was Juan Antonio Perry and my mother was Eva Maria Lopez. Both of them are dead, my mother of suicide, my father died in prison. Yes, I said prison. He was sentenced because of child abuse. In short, the reason I'm in foster care is because of that. 'Pity' case is what mostly everyone called me. I wasn't looking for sympathy or pity. Another reason I'm in my current foster home is because none of the other families wanted me. Mainly because of my music taste and sexuality. Their loss if you want my opinion.

"Might as well get downstairs." I thought as I quickly dressed and made my bed. Grabbing my backpack and my customized vans which I liked to call 'band vans' because I drew lyrics and bands on each of them, I ran downstairs to the kitchen just as Kyle was pulling out a pot of coffee and milk.

"Hey sweet, enjoy your coffee and school." He smiled and hugged me. "Thanks Ky, it means a lot." I smiled and tasted the coffee. "Blegh, why is it so hot?" I grumbled, burning my tongue with every sip. He chuckled, "Beats me, but it tastes good so deal with it."

Kyle David Hall, he's my foster brother and the nicest one in the household. He's 17 and finishing high school, but today he didn't have to go. He was my foster family's favorite son, out of the three they had. They spoiled him, but he gave a lot of their presents to me. He's like the brother I never had and knew.  He's also a youtuber. As I said, he's the nicest one in the family, meaning that I was sometimes included in his videos.

I set my cup down and yelled up the stairs to Kyle "Going out now, see you later Ky!"  I ran out the door, grabbing my backpack and my bike.

I arrived at school half an hour later, at the exact time of 7 :55. "Ugh, this hellhole." I scooped at the main doors unlocked.

Little did I know how terrible, yet how amazing this day would be.

||Chapter 2, complete!

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