Light a flame

233 7 16

Warning: smut, umm yea that's it, I myself cringe on my writings so I won't mind if you do too.


Hoshi's POV:

'Alright, just try to go a lil bit higher'

'no, try again, higher'

my gaze diverted off my phone now focusing on what the producer was saying. My boyfriend was in the recording room with me waiting as there was still some time left before I’ll have to leave for my dance practice. The comebacks are always hectic, it's pretty visible. Furrowing my eyebrows I noticed him loosen his muscles as a tired sigh left his lips..he wasn't at his best today and the reason was unknown making me distressed.

"How about we take a break and continue in a while, I'm sure a few mins won't hurt" I suggested trying to buy some  time as the producer nodded making his way out of the studio followed by  the opening of the recording room’s door.

" Hi seem a bit off, everything  fine?"

"We're at work, It's hyung for you" he mumbled taking a seat right next to me as I caught myself eyeing his Adam's apple which was now clearly visible due to his head resting onto the headrest of the couch.

"What happened tho, you all good?" Concern lingered my words which  soon died down on receiving a small smile from him.

"I'm fine Hoshi, just the task of lead vocal is taking a toll over me, can't seem to  hit a high note no matter how much I warm up" sighing softly he closed back his eyes getting lost in his thoughts. what I was feeling, not being able to pay attention to what he was saying cause the view wasn't helping either, neck exposed, hands on the either sides, legs parted a bit.... letting my intrusive thoughts win my hands slowly made their way towards his crouch as his eyes shot open pushing me away quick yet gently

"Soonyoung...stop playing around we're at work and you know my rule" his voice firm , a hint of warning clearly heard.

I nodded as the words were crystal clear in my mind repeating themselves 'Nothing physical during working hours ' , when it came to matter any other or his boyfriend himself, woozi was always strict and disciplined.

But he was stressed and I needed to be the stress reliever,  besides..

rules are made to be broken right?

The taller anchored a firm grip on woozi's hand Taking him by surprise yet again, a soft silk snaking around his wrists as his hands were now no longer in his control being tied to the end of the couch with what seemed to be a mere scarf which once belonged to soonyoung's neck.

"Hoshi you already know how strict I am when it comes to work, don't provoke trouble for yourself" he whispered through  gritted teeth throwing a sharp glare at the latter who was now working on undoing the pants ...only if looks could kill. A small curve formed of hoshi’s lips as the clothing was finally  discarded giving a breath taking view of the semi-hard cock, woozi can try his best to avoid but his body cannot , his pride wouldn’t let him accept that tho. 
"Besides I'm already stressed over the recording don't make me- f-fuck"
The words got caught up in his mouth as a series of wet kisses were showered on his now growing hard shaft.

Hoshi pushes a thumb right on the tip looking up to woozi whispering.. begging for the older's permission "let me help you this once , I promise I'll be good" the words left his mouth as he tugged back down licking the underneath of Jihoon's length still not breaking the eye contact just to earn back a frustrated yet satisfied groan.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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