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I woke up that morning from my bed, in my room at the Inn. I couldn't stop thinking about what Xiao had told me. "Act like a god, I don't understand." I spoke to myself. I decided to shrug it off for now and get up from the bed. I took a shower before getting dressed and putting my outfit on.

I decided I wanted to live at the Inn for a while but I needed to make a trip to Liyue Harbor. As I began my walk to the Harbor I saw a figure before me in the distance. I decided to stay to myself as I walked past them.

"Right on cue."

My eyes widened slightly. Was I about to get robbed or something? I turned back around to look at him but he was gone. I kept walking as I tried to remember what he looked like. All I could recall was that he had ginger hair.

As I made my way into Liyue Harbor and walked around for a while buying groceries for myself. I went to the blacksmith to buy some dull weapons to practice with as I needed to start training since I'll be traveling. My dad personally gave me my anemo vision but I had yet to actually use it as I was scared. He told me I could be just as strong as he was during the archon war and that scared me.

After finishing up my shopping I made my way back to the Inn. I put all my groceries and such away before going outside. I went across the bridge and into the open field with my dull weapons in hand. I dropped them to floor and picked up the sword. I held it in my hands as I looked down at it. It was much lighter than my own sword I had personally made in Mondstadt. I closed my eyes as I continued to hold it in my hands.

"You're telling me you're the daughter of a god but have never fought in combat before?" A raspy voice spoke beside me.

I immediately turned my head to the left only to be met with Xiao. He was leaning against a rock, his arms crossed. I sighed in relief looking back at the sword in my hands.

"Answer me, have you never fought before?" He asked, opening his eyes to watch me. "No I haven't." I say, with a bit of disappointment in my voice. "Your father never trained you?" He asked now standing upright. "No he didn't. He's been to busy and told me it will come over time. The urge to fight." I say before dropping the sword, assuming that this was a stupid idea.

Before he even said anything, he picked up the dull polearm I bought and walked over to me, leaving his own weapon to rest against the rock. He forced the weapon into my hands, "Let me then."

I looked puzzled at first then held the polearm tightly in my hands. "You'd actually do that for me?" I asked, looking back at him. "It seems only fitting, no?" He said before then picking up his own weapon. "Try and copy my movements." He said then beginning to swing his weapon around. Baffled at first I then tried to copy his movements. It was quite complicated at first, my movements being slow and sloppy.

"Try and put more force into it." He said then beginning to swing his weapon around again. I copied him only putting more force into my movements. Then, suddenly, I put a little too much force into one and some anemo power came out of it. It went directly towards Xiao but he swiftly dodged it. "What was that?" He asked, standing up straight. "My vision has a mind of its own sometimes. I've actually never used it before." I say looking a bit shy as I look down at my hands. "Really? You've never used it?" He questions me before then sitting down onto the rock again. He sets his weapon beside him then gestures for me to sit next to him.

I sit down onto the rock next to him. "May I hold your vision?" He asks holding out his hand. I nod and take the vision off my hip and hand it to him. He holds it in his hand, his eyes closed. I take a moment to look at his facial features. 'He is... quite handsome.' I think to myself before wiping my thoughts clean trying to pay attention to my vision in his hands. It glows slightly in his hands, my eyebrows furrow slightly. "It's never done that for me." I say watching it closely. "Because you've never used it." He says, handing it back to me. I attach it back to my hip as I look back at him.

"Now try and use it." He says, as he watches me closely. I nod and close my eyes, focusing on my vision. I had no idea if I was doing this right but when I opened my eyes there was a figure in front of me. It looked exactly like my dad. The figure stood there for a moment until he held out his hand. In his hand appeared a smaller figure. But it eventually got bigger and completely wiped my dad away. My eyes widened slightly as I continued to watch. Another figure now standing in front of me. The only thing that stuck out was his ridiculously large hat. The smirk on his face looked way too evil for my liking. Suddenly the figure disappeared and that was it.

Xiao looked slightly surprised at what he had just witnessed. "I've never seen a vision do this before." He says, think to himself. "Yea..." I say also thinking to myself. "I guess it's better to just put it to the side for now. Let's continue your training." Xiao said as he stood up.

I spent the whole afternoon training with Xiao. We did not stop until the sun was almost completely down. As we were resting in the grass I felt my stomach grumble and Xiao definitely heard it. "Why don't we stop for today and go get dinner at the Inn?" He asked me, as he stood up. Was Xiao really asking to have dinner with me? I smiled and stood up walking with him into the Inn. "You should try the almond tofu, it's really good." He said as he walked into the kitchen, sitting down at the table. I sat down with him, nodding my head "I'll try it."

After our food arrived we both took our time eating. Once Xiao was finished he put his plate down and looked at me. "We can train more tomorrow, same time?" He asked. I simply nodded my head and that was enough of a response from him as he then disappeared once again. He must have a habit of doing that.

Once I paid the chef me and Xiao's meal I went back up into my room. I took a shower and changed into my pajamas. I sat at the window near my bed and looked out at the moon. It was so pretty that night, nothing else could compare. I took out a little sketch book I had and started to draw. I started off with the moon in the sky before adding some water and land. Just as I was about to finish I decided to add Xiao into it. I drew him standing close to the water, looking up at the moon with his weapon in hand. I smiled at the drawing before closing the book and crawling into my bed.

As I was trying to sleep, I felt a presence watching over me. It made me feel safe and protected, it must've been Xiao.

A/n: hope u guys liked this one too, srry the chapters r quite short but enjoy !!

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