Ch.1 Mr.Bad Boy and I

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First things first, let me introduce myself. My name is Claire Willson, and I'm in 11th grade. I play basketball, track, cheerleading, and I'm on the swim team. I'm very popular, but I really don't care about being the most popular girl in school because I'm more focused on getting into a great college. I'm rich, a model,have great friends, all A's and I'm great at sports.

Now your probable thinking, wow, this girl has it all,but it's a lot more complicated than that. I really don't like playing all of those sports and I don't like modeling. I only do all of those things so that I can make my parents proud of me. Their never really home and when they are they don't pay any attention to me,only my older brother David. He's the perfect son anyone could ever ask for. He never, not even once in his life, got anything lower than an A in school. He plays every sport that there even is,he got a scholarship to Yale and his girlfriend is going to be a doctor, and a lawyer. Me on the other hand,I've never had a boyfriend and don't plan on getting one.

My parents think that I should get one so that I will have somebody to lean on, but I am very capable of taking care of myself. So now that you know my whole life story lets get on with school.

I woke up in the morning and got ready for school. I woke up extra early because I couldn't wait for after school today. Today was the day that my parents were coming in to visit me and to watch my basketball game. We had made it to the championship game and we were going against the best team in the state, the Tigers. The Tigers and the Panthers( that's us) were the best basketball teams that there were in the whole country, but the Tigers beat us by one game but only because I got fowled so hard that I sprained my wrist and ankle. I had to come out of the game and we lost it by a foul shot.

Anyway, I went in the garage,got in my Mercedes Benz and drove off to school. When I pulled up in the parking lot at school my two best friends were waiting for me at the entrance to the school.My two bestfriends are Brielle and Jazmine, and we have all been bbf(best bi.tch friends) since we were in kindergarten, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"So Claire, are you ready for a rematch in the playoffs against the Tigers? And are you ready to win and beat those bit.ches once and for all? Cause if your not then I will definitely kick their asses for you."

"Um, no thanks Brielle I'm fine."

"So while you two are chitchatting for five minutes, we are now going to be late for our first period. Thanks a lot assholes. Now hurry the fuck up so we aren't late."

" Ok,ok Jazmine. No need to get your panties in a twist."

We all have the same first period so we ran as fast as we could to the class before we were late. We got to class literally five seconds before the bell rang.

"Oh ya, we made it. We aren't late but you are. We rule, you suck. We're awesome, your,hey, what rhymes with awesome?"

"How about, sit down Ms. Claire before I make you."

"Yes Mr. Brown."

"Now class, today I have some news that could help some of you out a lot in school and so that you could go to college. So when you apply for colleges, they are going to look at your résumé to see what you accomplished in this school year. Some of you don't need this, while others need it greatly. So what you'll be doing is this, you will sign up and pick someone who is having a hard time with this class and fix that.You will help them to raise up their grade and the higher their grade gets, the more colleges will want you;so I suggest that you take this opportunity and use it now. Ok class you can now start signing up to help your fellow students. And I will raise your grade if you help out."

After Mr. Brown said that, more than half of the class went up to his desk to sign up. I thought about signing up to help out and I decided that I would. I mean, by doing this, I could make a new friend or some other shítÿ excuse for doing this. So I walked up to Mr. Brown's desk and signed my name onto the paper, and just as I was about to go back my desk, Mr. Brown made announcement.

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