Ch.1, part six; broken sanity

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Quad was still trying over Terrences death. He decided to bury him. He picked up a shovel and dug a hole then placed him in it. He buried the hole and sighed. He waved goodbye to the grave then walked farther into the forest.

After a bit of walking he spotted Oliver. He waved hello but Oliver just gave a disgusted look. Quad was very confused and noticed him coming closer after a second.

"Hey.. Oliver?..." Quad greeted in a soft, worried, tone. "How did you get out? Do you realize what you did?!" Oliver shouted.

Quad sighed and nodded "I realized everything... I'm sorry, Oliver. I only wanted to fix myself... I didn't think about everyone else.. I never even listened to Danny when I needed to..."

Oliver was still mad but felt a bit of worry for him. "I uh... think I understand... But that still doesn't explain the damage that can't be undone.". Quad nodded, "I understand"

Oliver then pushed him into the lake behind him. Cranbersher immediately ran up to them. "Woah! What's going on here?!". Oliver rolled his eyes, "I'm not dealing with him.". He then walked off. Cranbersher sighed and helped Quad out of the lake. "Sorry about him... he hasn't been feeling so well today...".

Quad nodded, "I can kinda see it. Thanks, by the way." Cranbersher smiled, "no problem! I kinda over heard the conversation and I feel bad for you."

Quad started to tear up and he hugged him. "Woah!" Cranbersher exclaimed. "don't worry... you're okay.." He hugged Quad back.

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