Still Hungry - Taehyung x Reader 👻😈🤧

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You hummed to yourself, dancing to your music as you prepared your Friday night dinner. You were alone, typically alone unless he came by. You looked down at your food, it was too much for one person. If he didn't show up, you would have leftovers. The leftovers always stung the next day, but you pushed that feeling aside for tonight, tonight you were enjoying your music and you were going to enjoy your food.

You turned off the stove. You would pee and then you would eat. After finishing your business, you dried your hands and then skipped back to the kitchen. When you turned around the corner, there was someone in there.

"Holy fuck!" You shouted, grabbing your chest, "Tae, you shit, you scared me!"

Taehyung just looked you up and down with his arms crossed over his chest. Taehyung was always immaculate. Today he was in a pair of loose beige slacks and a linen white button up shirt that was unbuttoned low enough that you could see his necklace resting against his breast bone. His dark brown hair was slightly curled. It was longer than normal, but you were a sucker for guys with long hair. His perfectly sculpted lips were slightly pursed, his dark eyes hooded.

With your heart still pounding wildly in your chest, you purposely ignored his smolder and walked past him to your food on the stove. You fetched two plates and started dishing out food.

"Do you always pee with the door open?" He asked and you flushed hotly.

"I live alone, why would I close the door? Why don't you ever call before you come over, one day I'm going to die from a heart attack and you can bet your ass that I'll come back and haunt you for eternity!" You scolded.

"I do call, most times," Tae countered, "But you never pick up the phone!" He had a point. You filled up two glasses of water, carried that to the table, then carried the plates.

"I mean, I always do return your call, sometimes it's just hours later," You sassed. You could tell Tae wasn't in the mood and that made you want to push just a little bit more, "It's never on purpose, I promise. Why are you here anyways?"

"Y/N, come on!" He said irritatedly, running a hand through his dark locks.

"Have you had dinner yet?" You asked brightly and he groaned.

"Y/N please!" He took your hand and tried to tug you from the kitchen. The pain on his face almost made you cave, almost.

"I'm hungry, you interrupted my dinner. The least you can do is eat with me." You sat in your chair and resolutely began to eat your food. Taehyung paused stubbornly for a moment before sinking into the chair opposite to you with a resigned groan.

Despite his grumpiness at the start of your meal, he quickly opened up and you two talked pleasantly. Taehyung had a beautiful, genuine smile and you coaxed it out with very little effort. When you were finished, you took the plates to the sink, then leaned against the counter, facing Taehyung.

"But seriously Tae, it's been nearly two weeks, what the fuck?" He groaned and rubbed his palms over his eyes.

"Please Y/N! Can we please talk afterwards?" He pleaded and you decided it was finally time to relent.

"Ok, Tae." In the blink of an eye he was pressed up against you, lips devouring yours. His hands needily sought your skin and you let him do what he wanted. He grabbed the back of your thighs and lifted you up. Your legs wrapped automatically around his waist.

He walked you to your bedroom, kicking the half opened door viciously and then threw you onto the bed. He was already undressing. His shirt had barely hit the floor before he was shaking his slacks and boxers off.

Taehyung was otherworldly. His bronzed skin had forever wrecked you, if it wasn't his, you didn't want it. That went for everything about him, right down to the sexy curve of his cock, the luscious veins that popped against his velvety member. He climbed up on the bed and helped you discard your clothes.

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