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Let's do it guys.
Let it Rip.

The other blade moved back in fear. Tyson moved a little forward, the other blade moved back. Tyson moved another step forward, the other blade moved a little back again. What was this? What was happening? How could Tyson and Dragoon become so strong? He was also a Dragoon, along with 3 other elemental beasts. There's no way they should lose.

So what was with those eyes that stared them down? Those eyes who aren't even wavering even if they have taken everything away from Tyson, everything he considered precious. The eyes that could stare down death.

It were the fearless eyes of a true blader.

"Come on Dark beasts. Let me show you what true vengeance means."


"Go Dragoon." Dragoon answered the call as both of the blades circled around each other clashing with each other..... in LITERAL SPACE without any air i.e., in vaccum. And none of them was giving each other a little space for breathing and both of them refused to give the other blade even a small chance to attack. The 4 Dark beasts along with a little Zeus' darkness vs Tyson and Dragoon.

"Alright Dragoon.... go Galaxy Storm."

Fool..... this is space. You lost your domain when you started battling here. Tyson smirked and Dragoon roared. A great storm was unleashed in the middle of Universe. The HMS system made even normal special moves, far more fatal and dangerous. Not that his Galaxy Storm was weak, he battled with his Dragoon GT with Kai on multiple planes of reality after all. That was a truly majestic moment, between stars and planets battling along with their beys.

While they were battling in an alternate reality, the stadium was covered in a bright light that no one was able to see through. As soon as their battle in that alternate reality ended, the bright light in the stadium died down leaving only smoke and crater. No one knew what Tyson and Kai went through in that moment.

He won't let anything ever happen to those memories and those people. So think, if Dragoon and Dranzer could so easily surpass the plane of reality then what happens when HMS is added to it.

He battled Brooklyn. In his own dimension no less where he could control anything from the microscopic details to macroscopic structures. When someone in their own dimension couldn't stop his storm despite being the god of their own dimension, did they really think that Tyson and Dragoon wouldn't have made a contingency plan in case they had to battle someone with vacuum powers. Many "Rock Bit-Beasts" had vacuum powers, so he and Dragoon made this special move - SOUL STORM in case they needed their special move in vacuum.

The storm created in this special move is powered by the Dragoon itself, the spiritual power of Dragoon is what powers it up and it doesn't need any external factor to sustain itself. Neither the blade rotation nor the external conditions could affect this storm. In fact it would suck everything inside it, every power, life force, energy, special attacks, moves, etc. The potential and power of this move was limitless. And you think that only Tyson has such power then you're wrong. His friends had their broken special moves that would put these Dark beasts to shame.

The problem- he was alone. And the opposition had the same bit-beast as his own plus the extra 3 bit-beasts. That's why he couldn't fight them on power alone. He can and maybe he can win as well but he wasn't the one only to rely of brawn.... he needed to use his brain as well.

You want power.... let's give you power then. Go - ELEMENTAL RAGE! Dark forces of creation started pooling their powers into a single point. A dark omnious wind surrounded the beyblade, as from the cosmos - a green lighting struck on the beyblade. The universe started to lose its light as every flames, every light, every source of heat was being sucked into the beyblade and finally small drops of water or more like bubbles of water started to surround the beyblade. The combined power of Dragoon, Dranzer, Driger and Draciel, the ultimate forces of creation that could easily surpass 4D, create or destroy universe on their whims and are easily able to achieve metapotence when together pooled their powers together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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