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Tw: Mui's parents and two lesbians in love<3


Her parents would never act nicer than usual without reason... it was strange... so very strange...

-end of recap-

It was a cold winter morning and snow was falling outside. Christmas had already come and gone, and now only New Year's Eve was left.

Muichiro sat in her room reading. She was glad winter break was almost over, after all, it had been a while since she had last seen Tanjiro.

From her room, Muichiro heard her parents calling her name. Muichiro set down her book and took a deep breath before going down stairs, where her parents were waiting.

Her parents were sitting in the living room; waiting for her to take a seat across from them. Muichiro sat across from them, a bit nervous. She sat up straight out of fear when she saw how serious her parents looked.

"Muichiro," her mother started with a stern voice. "Your father and I have something to talk about with you." Muichiro was even more anxious now.

She could feel fear rise up within her. Something told Muichiro that this was not going to end in her favor... Muichiro just nodded, too scared to speak.

Her parents had never been like this before. They were so serious about this... "We know about everything you have been doing to yourself." her mother informed, immediately got to the point.

Muichiro's eyes widened as her anxiety grew. 'What are they going to do...?' She just tried to brush it off and calmed her expression. "W-what do you mean...?" Muichiro mentally cursed at herself for stuttering.

"You know exactly what I mean." her mother's voice was cold and it sent a chill up Muichiro's spine as she managed to sit up straighter. "You know, you're a danger to yourself, Muichiro."

Upon hearing that, something inside Muichiro snapped. It was her last bit of patience. She pulled her hands into a fist and glared at her parents. "Me? A danger to myself? If anything, you're the one who's a danger to me!"

Muichiro realized what she said and covered her mouth with her hand; her eyes wide due to fear. Her mother was shocked by Muichiro's sudden outburst. And seemed very threatening when she spoke next. "what did you say to me...?"

"N-nothing... I- I said nothing" Muichiro's mother could hear the fear in her voice whe she spoke. "That's what I thought. Now, do you know what happens to people who are dangers to themselves?"

Muichiro nodded a little, knowing what her mother meant. She was going to be sent to a mental hospital. But how did her parents even know? That was something Muichiro would never figure out.

"It seems you figured it out, if your expression is anything to go off of. We'll leave you to be free until spring break. That is when you will return, you hear me?! You will be back here spring break. Or else you can say goodbye to your college and your little friends, if you even have any."

Muichiro's mother sounded even more stern than before. She only had until spring break... that's not much time... Muichiro looked to be deep in thought, which annoyed her parents.

"I think I've gotten the point across. Get out of my sight." Muichiro hurried to leave, still processing the whole thing. Muichiro immediately went to her room and wondered what to do.

There was something Muichiro wanted to do... before it was too late... but she needed to process first.

Once it all sunk in, Muichiro realized that she only had about 3 months... that's it... and if she didn't go, she'd have to leave her college and Tanjiro...

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