chapter six

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time bound

"do you have everything?" your best friend asks for the fifth time as she drags the final suitcase towards the door.

"like i said the last five times you asked that— yes, i have everything." you chuckle.

"well sorry i don't want us leaving stuff." she defends.

"well come on, our uber is already here." you urge her, pulling open the door to your room. the two of you quickly making your way down the elevator and through the lobby, finding your uber as you tossed everything in the trunk, climbing in the back, ready to be taken to the airport.

your last couple of minutes in seoul. a real bittersweet moment. the trip was so much fun, and you enjoyed visiting the city, enjoyed meeting changbin. the man who has yet to leave your mind. it was stupid, you would never see him again, and it was breaking your heart. this had never happened to you in all of your years of life.

you felt physically sick, as if even your body was hating the fact that you were about to leave the man.

but the airport came into view all too quickly, and you were already loading your things out of the trunk, prepared to trek through the airport, looking for the gate to take you far away from what you seemed to crave the most.

"wait." your body seemingly flooded with relief at the sound of the voice.


he was feeling the exact same way. physically sick knowing that you were leaving today. but it only gave him more confidence. confidence that you were actually like him, because immortals never get sick. he was almost certain you were something special. and he wasn't going to let you slip away. at least— not without a test.

"i'll give you two a minute." your friend states, walking away to create some space.

"what are you doing here?" you ask, unable to hide the happiness in your tone, and changbin picked up on it.

"i just... something was telling me i couldn't let you go... at least... not without... this." you furrow your brows for only a moment. but the feeling of confusion quickly fades when changbin grabs your face in his hands, gently, but hastily pulling your lips against his.

you gasp in surprise, quickly followed by a sigh of contentment as your lips move in perfect sync with his. and it was as if a rubber band snapped in your brain.

millennia's of memories flooded your mind all at once. it was almost overwhelming, and you felt as if you could have screamed if changbin's lips weren't pressed firmly against yours.


your lover.

you were quick to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for more, not caring who was watching. it had been far too long since you'd kissed him.

the kiss awakened a part of you that you had completely forgotten ever existed. millions of years you spent roaming the world with this man. hundreds of years you spent apart from him after being executed together.

"darling..." he calls out to you, breaking the kiss, breathless as he looks into your eyes. his eternal lover. "i found you." he whispers.

"it took you long enough." you couldn't help but chuckle, sighing happily as you rest your forehead against his.

"i found you by the cherry trees." he states, pulling you in for another kiss full of love.

you weren't aware of how much your soul had been longing for him, you'd always felt this sort of emptiness, and you'd figured maybe it was just a feeling that comes with being immortal, never being able to attach yourself to anything. but all this time, it was him. you missed him so much, and he was finally here again.

"stay here with me." he urges.

"i— i have to make sure she gets home." you tell him. no matter how much you wanted to stay with him, it wouldn't be safe for you to suddenly ditch your friend.

"then you'll come back?" he questions, understanding why you have to get her home.

"as soon as possible." you affirm.

"it's been way too long." he murmurs, pressing his lips against the tip of your nose. "don't make me wait too long." he chuckles slightly.

"i'll be back before you know it."

and you stayed true to your words. the moment you made sure your friend was home safe, you booked it straight back to seoul, where changbin was impatiently waiting for your return. you greeted one another with a warm, long embrace, ignoring the stares you received from passersby's.

centuries of roaming the world by yourself was finally over. you found your lover again, and there was nothing that would separate you this time. the two of you would make sure of it.

"how much longer are you okay to stay here?" you ask him, breaking the comforting hug.

"darling, we can stay here forever." his words confused you. "i'd like you to come meet my friends." he adds. "we're a whole community of immortals."

"what?" you ask, honestly shocked at the idea of so many like you.

"we're safe here. i'm never letting you out of my sight again." he assures you, intertwining his hands with yours. you felt an overwhelming surge of peace and happiness course through your body, the thought of being able to comfortably stay somewhere without fearing for your exposure. not only that, but you get to do it with your eternal love.

"i missed you... so so much." you tell him, sighing happily as you pull him in for another hug, burying yourself in the crook of his neck.

"i've missed you much more, darling." he whispers, lovingly running his hand up and down your spine. "now come on, we have some catching up to do." he jokes, cupping your jaw in his hands. you couldn't help but join him in laughter.

"only a couple of centuries."

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