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Jeonghan's POV:

We sat silently in the car. Not even a single word was exchanged. There was a storm of words that dared stay on the tip of my tongue. But I couldn't speak. When I see my brother this broken, I feel like collapsing in times like these. I wish to do nothing more than to embrace him and listen to his life and all the tragedy he went through in my absence. Why does he embrace this mansion's silence, why does he endure the ghosts' giggles, why does he learn the tune that brings back so much and yet nothing, why does he grow up alone, and why he is the way he is? 

"Another fight?" The person sitting beside me asked. I looked towards Jihoon who was dozing off in the passenger's seat. Even though it is a universal rule to avoid sleeping in that seat, we have broken way too many rules to care about such mannerisms. I faced my father's secretary and my only companion who I could put my trust in, Choi Seungchoel.

"Yeah. The usual." I shrugged telling him that nothing big happened. It is habitual stuff now. Whenever I come to pick him up, which is once every fifteen days, we would always disagree about something and end up quarreling. 

Seungchoel nodded and turned back to the book he was reading. I looked at the unusual cover of the book. The cover was in red velvet and golden imprints dictated the title "The Asian Myths."

"You believe in such kinds of stuff?" I asked curiously as I took a peek at the book. He immediately closed the book and retreated as if I just caught him red-handed while doing something dirty.

"I-I d-don't. WHO WOULD?" Seungchoel defended but the way he was reacting, it was quite obvious that he was lying. The man might look professional and leader-like in a suit and guns but if you know him personally, he is just like 'bomb' in Angry Birds. He blasts on anything.

"We both could tell that your show is fake." I gave him a bored side glance to which he thankfully sat straight again. "Now tell me something interesting you found in there," I said with a slightly curious grin.

I don't believe in gods or myths. I don't believe in any superstitious thing. The folklore and myth are for tired souls to entertain themselves. They won't work for us. We are destroyed souls. And when you reach a certain level of destruction, anything beyond will feel harmless. You are already numb to senses.

"Well, there are a lot that I found interesting-" "So you did find it interesting?" I cut him off and wiggled my eyebrows which irritated him.

"Finding interesting and believing are two different things Jeonghan-ah," Seunchoel spoke through frustration which I seemed to enjoy. There is something fun in annoying people. They lose their composure and their raw self surfaces. The moment that happens, you win. 

And I love winning.

"Still. Anyways, continue." I said, not in the mood to participate in this catfight. A banter with Jihoon in the hall was enough. He muttered something and scoffed before turning the pages. Sometimes I can't help but wonder, what did my father see in this manchild to make him his secretary. How can he kill when he ain't even grown properly?!

"So this one was interesting. It says that if a black cat crosses your path, your day will be unfortunate." He excitedly announced. I don't know what is so good about it that makes him giggle like a teenage girl but I didn't interrupt. Let him be like that for a while won't be any harm.

"Guess we need to collar Wonwoo into a room. He crosses our paths every time we go on a mission. Including today." I said which earned a snort from Choel.

"Sorry Sir, but as a driver, that's my job," Wonwoo spoke from the front seat. 

Wonwoo has been our driver for three years now. He could be another ally on my list if only he spoke better. He doesn't react. He doesn't reply. He doesn't flinch. Sometimes he creeps me out. Sometimes I think...No, I am sure he is possessed. If only he were a bit normal. Strangely, I have been accustomed to his unusual behavior. His presence which years ago had me alert, is now calm and comforting.

"Of course of course- YAHH! WATCH OUT!" I screamed as I saw a figure suddenly jump in front of our car. Wonwoo immediately applied breaks causing all of us to jerk forward. I and Choel who were awake and aware of the situation embraced ourselves for the impact. Meanwhile, our little  Jihoonie who was sleeping peacefully a few moments ago, got his face stuck on the front mirror.

"YAH! Why did you do that?" Jihoon growled while massaging his cheeks. He then looked back at me and Choel who failed terribly to hide our silent snickerings. It was just so funny to see our little brother fly from his seat. I bet this is another reason why you shouldn't sleep in that seat. Or at least use a seatbelt.

"Is it funny to you?" He gave me a death glare.

Yes. A lot.

I didn't say anything further and left the car to look for the woman. Choel followed my lead. We found the woman curled in a ball, crouched around something. From the side view, I saw Jihoon exiting his seat and joining us from the other side.

"Excuse me miss! If you want to suicide, can you try somewhere else?" Jihoon groaned coldly.

The woman slowly uncurled herself. From underneath her, a white poodle escaped and began licking her palms which were placed on her knees. She turned around and that's when we saw her face. She was a fair petite maiden with beautiful features. But the fact that she jumped in front of a car to save a dog - hers or not, made me look at her with admiration and respect. 

I looked at Jihoon who was staring silently at her. His gaze was concentrated on her and his eyebrows were furrowed. I know that something is conflicted in his mind which he is trying to decode on his own. I let him be.

"I am sorry. I just wanted to save her." She politely apologized as she stood up, picking up the white poodle along with her. She balanced the poodle in one hand and waved off the dust from her clothes, stepping aside from the road where our car stopped.

"Is this dog yours?" Much to my surprise, Jihoon strikes up a conversation.

"No. She belongs to the owner of that dog cafe across the road. He has a lot of dogs. This one is quite notorious. Her name is Tinker." She replied. The white poodle barked as if approving of her statement. Suddenly she jumped out of the lady's arms and ran to our side. She smelled our feet, all three of us. Sungchoel bent down to pat her but she instead went to Jihoon.

Jihoon is not good at socializing. But a slight hope was there in me which encouraged me to look forward for any sign that might release my brother from the cage he built around himself. If he interacts with the dog today, there may be a chance to bring his liveliness back. I watch Jihoon as he bends in front of the dog. He stayed there for a while. Will he...

But then he picked up the dog and returned it to the maiden. He didn't say anything and sat in the car, blowing the horn, signaling us to join back the ride for the mission. I exchanged glances with Choel, silently conveying my disappointment which he understood. He patted my back and guided me to the back door of the car. I looked at the girl who was busy looking at Jihoon in the front seat of the car. Jihoon was looking at her too, but his gaze remained cold.

We sat and the car departed. We had a mission to take care of. The atmosphere in the car was suffocating since the incident. Just the same as when we boarded the car an hour ago after my and Jihoon's debate.

Jihoon remained seated silently in the front seat. I looked at the rear view mirror and we had eye contact. None of both spoke or showed any emotions. None of both blinked. It was silent but I could decipher something that his eyes spoke. Either he was pleading to help him or he was threatening me to stay away from him. I am not confirmed which one was it. But I can confirm that there was a tragedy unleashed which I am determined to set free.

"Guess, the myth book is true. Do you want to collar me in a room?" Wonwoo asked from the driver's seat. We broke our little conversation and faced Wonwoo. He also sensed the awkwardness and I am grateful he decided to resolve it. Even though it was a failed attempt, I am grateful that at least he tried.

"What myth book?" Jihoon asked but none of us replied. He didn't ask again either. The rest of the ride went like that and we finally reached our destination.

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