Meet my OC

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Full Name: Marianne Rhea Grace

Nickname: Mari, Lil Spark (by Thalia), Lil Punk (by Clarisse and Mr. D), Zeus cabin head counselor

Preferred Name: Mari

Godly parent: Zeus

Family and relationship with them:

Father: Zeus - Despises him for abandoning her family, although she is still thankful for what he did for Thalia;

Mother. Beryl Grace - Despised her for her arrogance and for letting Jason go, and not being strong willed enough to let go of her obsessions to take care of her own children. Mari didn't even shed a tear when Chiron told her that she died in a car crash a few years ago;

Older sister: Thalia Grace - Thalia was more than just a big sister to Mari. She was her main role model. She always had her back in the toughest situations. Sticking to her through thick and thin. Her apparent demise really took a huge toll on Mari's personality and it took several months for her to accept it;

Younger half- brother: Jason Grace- Mari vaguely remembers playing with him when he was a baby;

Face claim: Mckenna Grace (ironic name i know);

Age: 14

Gender: Female;

Sexuality: Bi- sexual;

Pronouns: she/her;


There was a time when she used to be a nice and sweet little girl... but the day her mother told her and Thalia Jason died changed it all. She started seeing things for what they are and how cruel the world could be. Up until this day she still thinks running away with her older sister was the best thing she ever did in her whole life. At first sight, she might be a bit detached and act all tough and rude, but deep, deep down she is scared of losing her closest friends the way she lost her siblings. And that's why she is very overprotective of her friends. Especially her best friend, Annabeth;

Stereotype: Down to earth rebel with a heart of gold;

Powers: Atmokinesis, aerokenisis, flight (she never uses it due to her fear of heights) electric sensitivity,eletrokinesis, Zeus' Authority: Things that belong to her father's domain can do as she asks, Immunity to lightning bolts: She is able to survive a regular lightning bolt without much effort although it is confirmed a lightning bolt from Zeus will still kill her;


After Hera/Juno took 2 year old Jason away from their household and her mother went crazy, Mari ran away from home with her older sister, Thalia, when she was only 4 years old.. Later she met Luke, Annabeth and Grover and decided to make their way to camp together. On the way to Camp Half Blood the group was attacked by a hoard of monsters and Thalia sacrificed her life on Half-Blood Hill to protect Marianne, Annabeth, Luke, and Grover so they could reach the camp safely. Zeus took pity on his daughter and to prevent her soul from going to Hades, he turned Thalia into a pine tree. Mari stayed at camp and vowed to become stronger to protect both herself and her friends.

Strengths: Good leadership skills, loyal friend, very down to earth, honest, brave, non judgemental.

Weaknesses: a little bit power tempted and being a bit sensitive when people ask her about her past.

Likes: Her older sister (Thalia) , her friends, the camp, the color black, extra cheese hamburgers, her electric guitar, rock music, her powers and spending time next to Thalia's tree;

Dislikes: High places, monsters always on her tail despite not being afraid, cyclops, Clarisse making fun of her and other campers, traitors (ahem Luke);

Interests/Hobbies: Swordfighting, singing, playing guitar, listening to rock and metal, going on quests with her friends;


Skilled swordswoman: On the same level as Luke;

Enhanced Physiology: Since mar is a daughter of the big 3, Mari is naturally slightly stronger and faster than a regular demigod.

ADHD: Like all demigods, Mari possesses inborn supernatural battle reflexes and senses that she uses to analyze the fighting style of her opponent. She also can sense imminent danger.

Dyslexia: Her brain is hard-wired for reading ancient greek instead of modern languages.

Fighting Skills: Even before coming to Camp Half-Blood, Mari was able to survive out in the open for two years, along with Thalia, Luke and Annabeth. According to Annabeth, Mari was "an amazing monster-fighter", even at a young age and without the proper training.

Superhuman strength.

Superhuman speed.

Intimidation: Mari is said to be very scary not only in battle in battle, but also in other general things. Not even some of the bravest and craziest Ares kids dares to spar with her or even talk to her.

Fears/ Insecurities: Thanatophobia (fear of losing someone she cares about), Acrophobia (fear of heights)

Quote: "I'll be there. Whenever you need me."

Love interest/ trope:

Broken Bird: A Troubled, but Cute love interest with a Dark and Troubled Past.

Lady of War: A love interest who is a graceful Action Girl.

Aesthetic: Rebel Punk

Pinterest board: 

Pinterest board: 

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Theme song:

"Thunderstruck" by ACDC -"You've been thunderstruck"

"Friends will be friends" by Queen - "When you're through with life and all hope is lost hold out your hand 'cause right till the end, friends will be friends"


Password: Thalia Grace


What do you think about her?

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