Chapter 1: Another World™

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Unknown voice: " ..p. He... Can y... me?..."

Y/N: (What's that voice? Is it morning already? Dang, what the heck was that dream all about, getting hit by a truck? Reminds me of those Isekai animes.)

I slowly opened up my eyes to see what the commotion was all about. 

Unknown voice: "Hey, hello there. Can you hear me?"

Y/N: (Hmm? I'm sitting? And who's this woman?)

As I opened up my eyes, I noticed that I was sitting on what felt like a concrete chair, which was not comfortable at all. Then my surrounding, I'm in a room, which looked like it could stretch onto infinity. Then the woman in front of me. 

She was sitting on the same kind of chair that I'm sitting at. Even If I can't closely see her face, I could tell she was quite beautiful, the models that I saw in magazines can't even compare. Long silvery hair, and what looked like blue eyes. She looks like a Goddess! And her clothes... Is she cosplaying by chance?

Woman: "Hmm? Is there something on my face?"

Y/N: (Ah, I might've been staring too hard.) "N-no. It's just that... Are you a model by chance?"

Woman: "A model? Like the ones you see on magazines?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Woman: "No... Why would you say that?"

Y/N: "Well you look very beautiful."

The woman was surprised by my remark, she even looked like she was blushing a bit.

Woman: "W-well, thank you... But if you might know, I'm a Goddess. My name is Eris."

Y/N: "Hmm? Yeah, I know you're cosplaying as a Goddess."

Eris: "Cosplaying? Like pretending? No, I'm an actual Goddess."

Y/N: (Roleplay? Well I guess I'll just play along... But then again, I don't remember going to a cosplay event.) "So, if you don't mind me asking, where are we exactly?"

Eris: "Well, welcome to the Afterlife™."

Y/N: "Afterlife™? So I died?"

Eris: "Unfortunately yes. You were hit by a speeding truck, which was driven by members of a gang that you've crossed while helping others."

Y/N: (Damn, is this a TV show? They even did a background check on me? I wonder where they hid the cameras on this room.) 

Eris: "To think that a brave, and good hearted man that you are was taken quite early. You were willing to help out others even on the expense of your own life, and this is what you get. 

Y/N: (Tears?! She's not only beautiful, but a great actor as well!)

Eris: "Your kind soul doesn't deserve such unfairness. So that's why you are given another chance at life in Another World™!"

Y/N: (Well this is certainly getting interesting.) "Ohh! Like those Isekai animes!"

Eris: "Yes, quite frankly yes."

Y/N: "Do I get any special abilities?!"

Eris: "Yes. In fact."

She began laying out different papers on the ground. I got out from my seat to take a look at them. 

Y/N: (These papers look... and feels like paper made hundreds of years ago. Damn, the attention to detail is insane. And these powers, Element Manipulation, Superhuman strength, Flight. There's also Weapons as well.)

Eris: "You can choose any kind of power you want, even powers that aren't there in the options."

Y/N: (Hoh? Then I think I know what I want to get.) 

I looked at the "Goddess" with brimming eyes.

Y/N: "Then, I want a stand from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures! Specifically, I want Star Platinum!"

Eris: "Very well."

She smiled from my enthusiasm. I know I said she was beautiful, but she looked absolutely cute when she smiled.

Eris: "Is that all?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I think that's all I wanted." ( I don't know the purpose of me getting to choose any kind power I want. Is this going to be like a Game. Never heard of a TV show like this.) 

I got back to my seat.

Eris: "Then, you will be transported to a world similar to the medieval period of your world. But this world has Magic, magic creatures and so on." 

Y/N: (Typical Isekai plot.)

Eris: "Well, it was nice meeting you. Have fun in your new world!"

Then, a magic circle started to lit up around my chair.

Y/N: (Damn, they went all-out with the effects.)

After a few seconds, my surrounding became brighter and brighter. I shut my eye to avoid going blind from the light.

Y/N: (They're going nuts with this show!)

Standing up against The World (Re:Zero x Male Reader) - RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now