Chapter 6: Battle Against Elsa

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Subaru: "W-what?" Subaru asked Felt as they land on the Ground.

Felt: "Do you want to Die?!"

Elsa: "Oh, what's this?"

Elsa tried to pull out her dagger from Star Platinum's hand but Star Platinum's grip was tight on the blade. The Old man Rom then grabbed his huge club and swung it at Elsa, though she let go of her dagger that Star Platinum grabbed and dodged the club by going on top of the table. I quickly grabbed the dagger from Star Platinum and backed off to where Subaru and Felt were. Old man Rom swung his club again but to only destroy the Table as Elsa dodges it again by jumping off the table.

Elsa: "This is my first battle to the death with a giant."

Elsa said as she lands on the Bar table top. 

Old man Rom: "Quiet little girl! I'll grind you up and feed you to the rats!"

He swung his Club again but Elsa dodges it. He continues to attack Elsa but she dodges every single attack. 

Y/N: (She's fast. Elsa isn't on the defensive, she's just playing with him. At this rate...)

I spot one of the tables that's intact. I grab unto it. 

Y/N: (I'll use this...) Earlier on, when I saved  the little girl on the street, I summoned Star Platinum subconsciously. When I tried to grab onto her even though I was still far away, I willed my arms to reach her. That's when I summoned Star Platinum, even if for a brief moment. 

So, with that theory, I grabbed onto the table and lifted it. It was quite heavy so I still struggled, but I willed for Star Platinum's hand to lift the table alongside mine. Then, as according to my will, Star Platinum's hand appeared from mine, and helped lifting the table. 

Subaru: "This is bad!"

Felt: "Don't worry. Don't worry, there's no way Old man Rom would lose."

Old man Rom: "Take this!"

Old man Rom charged a massive attack but Elsa was ready to launch a counter. But before Old man Rom was able to launch his attack, I used Star Platinum to throw the table towards Elsa. But before it even landed, Elsa was able to cut the table. Though, after cutting the table, her guard was open for just a second. Old man Rom made use of this opportunity and launched his charged attack at Elsa. Unfortunately, Elsa barely managed to dodged it. Old man Rom persisted with another attack which forced Elsa to leap in the air. I took this opportunity and charged towards her direction, just enough to get her into Star Platinum's range. 

Elsa: "Oh~..." 

Y/N: (Star Platinum!) I pointed my finger towards Elsa in the Air and used Star Platinum to punch her stomach. 

Elsa: "Guh!....."

The punch was strong enough to propel Elsa towards the wall on the other side of the Warehouse. 

Felt: "Wha-..."
Old man Rom: "Wha-..."

Subaru: "Ooooh! Y/N! You did it!"

Subaru, who's still panicked and a bit shaking approaches me to give me a high five.

Felt: "What the heck was that?! She was suddenly propelled to the wall out of nowhere!"

Then, the dust made from Elsa's impact started to clear out. Debris from the crash started to move and from it, Elsa came out.

Elsa: "That was wonderful~. That was quite a punch. But it's still too early to celebrate~."

Elsa brushed off the cloak that she was wearing and suddenly leaped towards me at an incredible speed. I've had a lot of experience fighting with enemies that were quite fast back on Earth, so I have faster reaction speed than an average human. But I think Star Platinum heightened up my Reaction speed, otherwise I wouldn't be able to react fast enough and use Star Platinum to deflect Elsa's knife that was aimed for my throat. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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