‼️ AN ‼️

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Hello everyone! I just want to start off by saying thank you all so much for the support and love I've been getting! So it's been a while since I've updated this last and I'm kind of running out of ideas. I'm going to continue to write about their vacation but I'm not sure what to write about after they get home from the Bahamas. So I'm asking if you guys have any ideas for the next upcoming chapters after their vacation. If you do have any ideas or short plots please please please put them in the comments because I'm getting a bit stuck. I'm also sorry for the long awaited update for chapter 17, it should be out sometime next week I'm hoping as well. But yeah again, if you have any ideas please put them in the comments of this announcement. Just please know that I will not be writing about one of them dying, rape, guns, and just really gory shit, this is supposed to be a nice fluffnsmut book with angst here and there but nothing too too sad or heartbreaking. Anyway that's about it! Love you guys!

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