Please dont

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~Tamara walks in the apartment~
TA- hey sorry I'm late. Lost track of time
L- it's ok. As long as you're safe you can stay out as late as you want.
TA- thanks
L- I have pasta on the stove if you want some
TA- no thanks I'm good. I'm just gonna head to bed
L - ok goodnight.
TA- night

Tamara walks in her room and sets her bag down

Tamara talks to herself

* I'm so hungry. But I'm just gonna sleep it off and give my bf what he wants. A skinny girlfriend.*

Tamara can't stand the pain of her stomach. Not even sleeping will help it. The last thing she wants to do is cut.

TA- fuck mhmm

Tamara rolls over and grabs her little black box and opens it up. The blade meets her hand and she sits up crying.

~with Tim and Lucy in bed~

L- you hear that?
T- what no I can't the movie is so loud
L- shut up

Lucy smiles and rolls out of bed.

L- I'll be back
T- ok

Lucy gets up and looks around and there's nothing but the sound is closer to Tamara's room

L- Tamara
*knock knock

Lucy walks in

Tamara rushes to put the blade under the blanket

L - you ok

TA- my stomach is killing me

L- period or just cause

TA- no it's not my period but I don't know why

L - it's ok

TA- I feel light headed. Fuck it hurts.

Tamara breaks into sobs

L- omg ok uh. Let's go get you checked out

TA- no  no we can't. I know the reason ok but... just no

L- what's wrong please tell me.

TA- no I can't

L - Tamara your in pain.

Tamara gets up and try's to walk but falls and the blade falls in front of her

L - Tamara omg here get up grab my hand

TA- no I'm fine

L - what's this?

Lucy bents over and picks it up

L - blade?

Lucy looks at Tamara who is now sitting on the bed

L- let me see your wrist

TA- no

L - Tamara hun

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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