Avatar: The Last Dragon

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Inspired by the fanfic called "The Monsters We Create," by Orca2015

Fire Nation citizens run in fear and terror, screaming.

"What is it?"

"I don't know, something big!"

Azula lifts her gaze up. Two men scream as a Komodo Rhino was tossed through the air and landed on the ground.

A cloud of dust rises.


A series created by Nickelodeon, in association with Toho Studios


Written by a fan of both franchises

"Is that. . . Godzilla?" Ursa asked in fear and awe as a large shadow towered over her.

Godzilla roars as he lunges down and bites down on the train.

Ursa and Azula run through the crowd as a large reptilian tail swings around and knocks down buildings behind them.

Buildings collapse as the Kaiju walks, cracking the earth and Godzilla's foot steps on a handful of people in the streets as he walks.

A large mushroom cloud rises in the air, the shockwave destroying everything around it.

Postwar, the Fire Nation lost after the Phoenix King was defeated by Avatar Aang.

Azula stands onto of a rock pillar that overlooked the destruction left behind.


Godzilla swims beneath a Fire Nation ship.

Azula stares off into the distance with a shaken expression. Dead bodies float in the sea.

"What are we doing?" A girl asks as a boat sails to a volcanic island. Ren Serizawa stares out to sea fearfully.

Iroh and the Order of the White Lotus stand before the world leaders.

"This is too dangerous even for her. It has to be someone else." Mai says to Fire Lord Zuko. "Someone has to be doing this," he replied. "If it's not her, then who?

Azula screams as she falls to her knees.

Sokka points to a map in front of Team Avatar.

Large claws stab through the hull of the ship before it explodes. A blast of blue fire shoots through the air from the water.

"I failed," Zuko falls to his knees. "This is all my fault."

A ship is tossed through the air and lands on the shore.

Aang rises in the air, his arrow tattoos and eyes glowing blue.

"That monster. . . will never forgive us." 

Azula looks up with watery eyes.


Godzilla steps out of the water and onto the shore.


Godzilla rises his head up and roars to the heavens in rage, surrounded by smoke and ash.


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