A Kaiju King in Kombat

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Sub-Zero jumps from a ledge and lands near Raiden and Kung Lao. Scorpion appears spinning his chain in hand. 

Sub-Zero tackles Lao down a flight of stairs before Raiden kicks Scorpion and then throws his straw hat at the back of Sub-Zero's head. He growls in annoyance as he turns around. Raiden pulls a shuriken out of a pillar and throws at Sub-Zero who dodges it but it cuts his arm slightly.

Meanwhile, Kung Lao's hands are frozen to the counter.

"I have had enough of you," Sub-Zero growls to Raiden. 

"Then go! Before I put you down." Raiden replied in a threatening tone. But then heavy footsteps are heard. They all turn their attention to the dark alley way nearby.

A tall figure steps out of the shadows. It was Godzilla. He stands well over 9 feet tall with charcoal gray scales, a muscular and bulky build, a black scaly tail trails behind him and a row of black and white dorsal fins run down his spine. His eyes glow yellow in rage as he glares at the four humans. He inhales deeply before roaring.


Sub-Zero and Scorpion look at one another and to Raiden and Kung Lao. 


Raiden shrugs at them before they all charge at Godzilla. They all give him violent blows before Godzilla retaliates with three claw slashes and then he executed a Tail Whip that sent three of them but Raiden flying back. 

The miniaturized Kaiju tilts his head at the human before he was punched in the face. Lightning surged through his body before he headbutted Raiden and then leaned back on his tail and Dropkicked Raiden in the ribs.

Sub-Zero then froze the Saurian in ice and then delivered a series of strong blows. The first two shattered the ice. The third and fourth sent the Kaiju stumbling back. Godzilla growled before his stomach was impaled by an ice spear. He roared in pain before he grabbed onto the spear and then spun around with Sub-Zero holding onto it before throwing him out of view.

Scorpion blasted the back of Godzilla with fire before Godzilla's spines glowed neon blue as he turned around. Then he unleashed his Atomic Breath.

"Today. . . you have proven worthy of joining us, great King." Lord Liu Kang declared to Godzilla. Sub-Zero and Scorpion bow to the human with white glowing eyes. "Come, there are other champions I must gather." he said to them all.

Eyes narrowing, Godzilla growled before roaring in Liu Kang's face. "This is not wise, I assure you." he said to the Kaiju while wiping his face.

Godzilla did not listen and charged forward.

The Kaiju slashes Liu with his claws before spinning around to whip him with his tail. Liu tanks most of the hits before teleporting away from his claws and then Jax shows up and jabs him in the face a couple of times. Godzilla roared out in surprise before being blasted off his feet by Liu Kang.

Liu Kang walks over to the downed Saurian Kaiju on the ground. He raises his fist and brings it down, only for Godzilla to catch it in his clawed fist. Godzilla growls as he rises to his feet while glaring at the surprised Liu Kang. Godzilla then punched Liu before slashing his claws across the man's chest before lunging forward and sinking his fangs into Liu Kang's throat like a tiger attacking a deer.

Godzilla spins around with the man in his jaws, slamming him against walls and pillars before ripping his throat open. Blood spilled out in three fountains from the wound before Godzilla unleashed his Atomic Breath.

"This. . . is a problem," Kung Lao stated.

Godzilla rears his head back and roars.


"You've caused a lot of trouble," Johnny Cage said to Godzilla as he stands with Kenshi.

Godzilla snorts and turns away and tries to walk away. His back is slashed by Kenshi's sword, Sentos. Godzilla cried out and turns his head. A tip of one of his dorsal fin chips off.

The Kaiju glares before roaring at the two humans and charging forward. Kenshi delivers four slashes to Godzilla's chest with his sword before Johnny Cage punched him in the stomach. He dodges a few claw slashes before moving around the Kaiju and punching him in the side with multiple jabs before kicking out his knee.

Growling angrily, Godzilla caught Johnny's next swung fist before headbutting the blonde human in the face, shattering the front of his skull.

An astral projection of Kenshi appears and fights along side the real one. Both slash Godzilla with their swords before stabbing him in the chest from his front and back.

Godzilla roared before his whole body glowed and then he released a Nuclear Pulse, destroying the astral projection and knocking the real Kenshi back and sent him flying. Godzilla charged up his Atomic Breath before firing.


Godzilla stomps before Reptile who snarls in response. "You are not welcomed here."

Godzilla blew smoke from his nostrils while flexing his clawed fingers. The two reptilians roar before charging one another. They slash and claw before Reptile unsheathes his wrist blades and stabs Godzilla's stomach and chest. He pulls out the blades and stabs the Kaiju again and again repeatedly before Godzilla sinks his claws into his forearms. He lifts the reptilian human off the ground before blasting him in the face with a roar that destroys his ear drums. He spins around and slams his tail into Reptile's ribs, shattering them on impact.

Reptile bounces off the wall and lands on the floor. Godzilla walks forward and stomps his foot down onto Reptile's leg, crushing the leg like a toothpick. He then slashes his claws across Reptile's chest again and again. Then he picks up Reptile by the leg and slams him down on the ground before lifting him back up and slamming him down, cracking the concrete and breaking the reptilian human's spine in three different places. He then kicks Reptile, his claws stabbing Reptile's flesh before sending him flying.


Godzilla grabbed Raiden by the throat, charged his Atomic Breath as he forced the man's mouth open before giving him the Kiss of Death.

Godzilla then tosses Kenshi's body into the air, his dorsal spins glow bloody crimson before he fires his Red Spiral Ray at Kenshi and the man explodes in the air.



Godzilla roars as he stands amid the bodies of dead warriors.


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