Talk to Me

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Author's Note:  There is sexual content in this chapter!!  

"What do you mean her name isn't on the list?" Kyo stood tall with her hands on her hips and face twisted with anger. The man standing at the door plainly looked at her while he held his clipboard in his stubby hands, "No name no entry."

Y/N shrunk from embarrassment, people behind them telling them to get out of the way because they were holding up the line. But Kyo wasn't going inside without both Hori and Y/N, so she tapped on her phone and it started to ring. "Get out here. Now. They won't let Y/N inside so we're all leaving." she was still huffing and puffing as they stepped to the side. Hori was also pretty upset at the whole situation. She figured Mayumi did this on purpose. "It's just a stupid party anyways," She tried her best to make Y/N feel better. Kyo scoffed as the minutes passed by, "Where the hell are they?"

Finally they could see people going against the crowd on their way out the door, and they had expected the twins, but, "I couldn't help but overhear a problem with entry?" It was Mayumi. She had her hair braid all the way down to her hips and barely had anything covering her. Kyo gritted her teeth, "You invited all of us, but apparently changed your mind without a notice. If we can't all go inside then we're leaving."

Mayumi talked with a forced smile, "Please don't go, it was an honest mistake. I just couldn't help but forget her name, uh, what was it again?" she looked at Y/N with an innocent head tilt. Y/N bit the inside of her cheek at the pure mockery that she felt against her, " L/N Y/N."

"Oh, right! Sorry again, please come in." she directed to the door while giving a nod to the workers to let them through. Reluctantly, they all went inside.

From the outside, the place itself didn't seem all that appealing. But walking inside it was like they entered a whole other world. There was an open ceiling, so you could see the night sky twinkling. The center of the whole place was just a huge pool that had a bar right in the middle where people sat in the water and had drinks in their hands. Around the pool were lots of beach chairs and some scattered tables. On one side is where a dj was playing music and there was a small dance floor with tiles that lit up different colors. The other side of the pool was the VIP section that had velvet couches and servers and even a big curtain that was there for privacy. The place was dark, most of the light coming from the pool and a disco ball that flashes different colors over everything.

"This is insane." Hori wasn't even sure how all of this was allowed and she was sure all the drinks everyone was holding weren't alcohol free even if there was a big sign that read 'Teenage Night! Alcohol Free!'. It was just there for the liability she assumed. Kyo walked in front, "We need some drinks."

Y/N tried her best to keep up with Kyo and Hori through the thick crowd of people, a lot who were well past their first drink. They had reached the bar that was in the corner, "What can I get for you ladies?" He seemed around the same age as them, maybe a year or two older, and had a million dollar plastered on his face. Kyo looked back at Y/N and Hori and then to the bartender, "Something strong for me and two virgin pina coladas."

"Wow, this is really good." Y/N sipped on her sweet drink as they started walking around again. She kept looking around to see where Osamu was, but it was too dark and too many people. They happened to find an empty table, "Okay, we need some rules before we can have fun." Kyo set down her drink with a serious tone. Hori quirked her brows as she munched on her cherry.

"Don't take a drink from anyone, especially guys. Hell, even Mayumi. If you do decide to drink alcohol, don't over do it and if you do just make sure you're with people you trust. Always answer your phone, especially phone calls. If you guys want to leave, we'll leave. Don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to." Kyo waited for the understanding nods from her friends before grabbing her drink again, "Now let's party."

So This is Love? / M. OsamuWhere stories live. Discover now