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Myles Smith - Solo

The next morning, Seungmin got ready and cooked a meal for Felix, who hadn't eaten the previous evening. When he left, his roommate still hadn't woken up. The dark-haired man left him alone and set off. Seungmin had suspected what had happened the night before. In fact, in his mind it could only have had something to do with Chae. Unless the blond had other problems and hadn't told his friend.

Felix awoke from his long night. Indeed, when the blond looked at his watch, it was one o'clock in the afternoon. He made his way to the kitchen. On the worktop, Seungmin had left him a note saying "If you're hungry...". Underneath it was a ready-made breakfast. The blond decided to eat it anyway, despite the hour. He wasn't going to waste a meal made by his friend that very morning.

After that, Felix decided not to go to class. It was late and he didn't feel like it. For the rest of the day, the blond boy lay in bed, still crying, replaying yesterday's event in his mind. He wondered how his weekend, which had started so well, could have ended so badly. After an exceptional moment of calm. Felix broke down again. His tears were flowing. He had played out his entire relationship with Chae in his head, realizing how much he loved her, what the two of them had shared and their misadventure right up to the last moment, that moment when the young woman had told him their relationship was over. He remembered it as if it had just happened. Not just when Chae left him, but everything from the beginning. His heart ached even more. Felix could almost hear it breaking inside him. After a while, Felix didn't know exactly how long, he calmed down and looked for something to do to occupy his mind. So he opened Youtubeand stayed on the app all afternoon. During the day, Felix ignored all the messages he'd received from worried or simply curious people asking why he'd missed class.

For his part, Seungmin had a busy day, especially during the lunch break. He and the Student Council met to work out the final details of the project. During the break, the dark-haired Seungmin contacted Hyunjin to ask if he'd bumped into Felix during the day. Whenever Seungmin had asked this question, Hyunjin had replied that he hadn't seen Felix. During their exchange, Hyunjin asked Seungmin to give Felix his number. The tall man wanted to keep in touch with the blond. The dark-haired man agreed.

When Seungmin returned home, he didn't see Felix. The dark-haired man suspected that the blond was in his room. Still wanting to check on his friend, he decided to knock on the blond's door. The blonde let him into his room. Félixwas sitting on his bed, knees bent over his chest, pillow between them. He noticed that his room was in darkness, and when he could make out his roommate's face, the brunet noticed his swollen eyes and totally disheveled hair. Seungminapproached him and sat down beside him. A blank moment followed. The dark-haired man began:

"Today we worked out the final details for the project. It'll be posted tomorrow or Wednesday.

- Cool," replied Felix in a small voice.

- So, when the work's published, it'd be cool if you could take a look at it. And not just your part, the whole thing too. Personally, I'm proud of everyone's work.

The blond nodded.

- Today I contacted Jinnie and he told me he hadn't seen you... You didn't go to class?

- No, plus I woke up at 1pm. By the way, I ate what you made me. Thank you so much, it was very good.

- You're so welcome. You know, Jinnie was pretty worried about you. I suspected you'd stayed home.

The blond was surprised at Seungmin's remark about Jinnie.

- Or is Taehyun going to pass the work on to you? continued the dark-haired man.

- Yes, I think so.

- Okay, cool. And before I go, Jinnie asked me to give you his number and his Insta, depending on how you want to contact him, so here," said the dark-haired man, handing the blond a piece of paper. I'm saying you'll contact him, but of course you do as you like. It would be nice if you at least kept him informed about today, to reassure him. Otherwise, don't you have anything you'd like to tell me or anything you'd like to eat tonight?"

Felix nodded. Seungmin then left the room.

After this discussion with his friend, Felix burst into tears. In the evening, we're more tired, and feelings come out more easily. He hadn't shown it to anyone, not even to himself, wanting to pretend everything was fine, but the blond was broken. These moments of crying really revealed how he felt. His heart was aching again. He could hardly breathe. It took a long time. Felix had no idea how to get back on track. Now his pillow was soaked with tears. The young man huddled in his sheets, trying to calm down. It all ended when the blond fell asleep.

The dark-haired man hadn't come. He knew Felix wanted to be left alone. Even though hearing him cry broke his heart.

This nap allowed the blond to rest, again, as he had done all day. It was Seungmin who woke him up to eat. This time, Felix introduced himself to the meal. Following this, the blond added Jinnie to his contacts and sent her a message to tell her that he had added her to his contacts and also on the networks.

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