The Passenger! Break through the Underground

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Scott Pilgrim and his friends were gathered at Wallace's apartment, indulging in their favorite pastime of watching TV. The Evil Exes, surprisingly, were also there, having set aside their past grievances for the sake of what seemed like a peaceful evening. Alex Flowers, ever the skeptic, was seated next to Ramona, who was lounging on the couch with a bag of snacks. Suddenly, there came a frantic knocking at the door. Gideon Graves burst in, his usually composed demeanor replaced by wild-eyed panic.

Gideon: A bunch of Trees disappeared! I saw it with my own eyes!

He yelled, breathless. The room fell silent, everyone exchanging puzzled glances. Alex raised an eyebrow.

Alex: Okay, what substances are you on, Gideon?

Gideon ignored the jab, his focus solely on conveying the bizarre sight he had witnessed.

Gideon: I saw a patch of trees nearby last night, but today, they're gone! It's like a giant animal ate them overnight!

The group was incredulous, but curiosity got the better of them. They decided to investigate, piling into cars and driving to the site where Gideon claimed the trees had vanished. As they arrived, they were greeted with a barren landscape where a lush forest should have been. Confusion and concern clouded their faces as they tried to make sense of what they were seeing.

Envy Adams, who had joined them, spoke up, her voice filled with disbelief.

Envy: But... how?

No one had an answer. It was then that Ken Katayanagi, who had been quiet until now, spoke up.

Ken: you know, something similar happened a year ago in Africa.

He said gravely. Scott and the others exchanged worried glances. As they searched the area, their eyes fell upon a singular brownish quill, dripping with a strange yellow liquid. Scott, always the curious one, reached out and touched the liquid. Suddenly, his perception shifted, and everything around him seemed to move in a slow motion. He stumbled backward, giggling uncontrollably.

Scott: Hehehe, everything's slow.

Scott giggled, his eyes wide with wonder.
Ramona raised an eyebrow, looking at him skeptically.

Ramona: Are you high, Scott?

Ramona: Heeeeeeeey, Ramona, where'd you come from, and why do you have three eyes?

Scott slurred as Ramona sighed loudly

Ramona: Yep, he's high or something again

She confirmed, shaking her head. Alex examined the quill closely.

Alex: Okay, clearly a kaiju did this.

He concluded, pointing at the mysterious object. Scott, still in his altered state, looked around with a dazed expression.

Scott: I feel like I'm seeing three Kims!

He exclaimed, causing Kim Pine to roll her eyes.

Kim: Can I slap him?

Kim Pine asked, looking at Ramona for approval.

Ramona: He's high, Kim. You can't slap him.

Kim shrugged.

Kim: Okay, but it's funny to see him act like this.

Scott, lost in his own world, suddenly fell forward, landing face-first on the ground.

Scott: Hi Floor, make me a Sammich!

He mumbled, mispronouncing sandwich.
Just as Knives was about to touch the quill out of curiosity, Ramona swiftly slapped her hand away, preventing her from making the same mistake as Scott. Lucas took the opportunity and grabs Scott, holding him upright as Scott marveled at his newfound height.

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