Ultra Special Operation

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Scott Pilgrim and others strolled through the foggy streets of Toronto, the air was thick with mist, enveloping the city in a mysterious aura. Scott, ever the observant one, remarked.

Scott: It's pretty foggy today.

Alex Flowers, walking beside him, glanced around and replied,

Alex: At least it's not as bad as New York, right sis?

Ramona, walking a few steps ahead, turned back and nodded in agreement.

Ramona: Yeah, New York gets really bad sometimes.

She added. Their casual conversation was interrupted by the distant voice of a radio broadcaster, barely audible over the sounds of the city.

Broadcast: Recent development, a 500km typhoon was detected on the edge of Hawaii, with 950 central pressure.

Alex, hearing the broadcast, raised an eyebrow.

Alex: Another tropical storm?

He questioned, looking concerned. Ramona's eyes scanning the foggy surroundings, nodded solemnly.

Ramona: You know, there's been a slight increase in them lately.

She remarked, her voice tinged with worry.

Alex: Yeah, it's kinda weird, to be honest.

Alex agreed, his gaze shifting to the horizon, where the fog seemed to thicken, obscuring the skyline. Scott, taking in the sight before them, couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The fog, the mention of the typhoon-it all felt strangely odd, and unnatural. Cutting to The Chaos Theatre, Scott Pilgrim and his friends found themselves in a dimly lit room, surrounded by the Evil Exes as they look over reports and documents of the typhoon. Scott, being optimistic, remarked.

Scott: So far, no Kaiju attacks yet.

The others agreed, they were enjoying the lack of giant monster or Alien attacks, then
Gideon Graves, sitting by Nega Scott, who was sleeping, looked up from his phone with a grave expression.

Gideon: This typhoon is heading towards Toronto.

He announced, his voice filled with concern.
Ken Katayanagi, looking up from his laptop, furrowed his brow.

Ken: I thought Toronto barely gets these types of storms?

He questioned, voicing the confusion shared by many.

Gideon: Well, we're getting one, so I suggest we hunker down and wait for it to pass.

Gideon replied, his tone firm.

Kyle Katayanagi, however, had a different idea.

Kyle: We got orders from Matthew to patrol before the storm gets here.

He interjected, holding up his phone to show the message. Roxie Richter and Kim Pine, sitting nearby, looked at the photos of the typhoon on Kyle's phone, their expressions puzzled. The satellite images of the typhoon were eerily similar to three identical ones they had seen near New Jersey, Australia, and recently, Hawaii.

Matthew Patel, sitting quietly until now, spoke up.

Matthew: The initial report came from a weather forecast at 10:00 am. I got word from a secretary at noon.

he explained, glancing at his own phone.

Lucas Lee, always one to stir the pot, couldn't resist a jab.

Lucas: The same secretary you're shy about asking out?

Roxie: That one that when you fired a bunch of people, you said, and I quote, "not you, I like you a lot."

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