Chapter One

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Twelve Weeks Ago

"Lys, what are you saying?" Finn asked as I looked into his eyes, heartbreak showing in his beautiful hazel eyes.

The scented candles I had bought last week were the only light source in my living room currently. Mainly because there was a hole in the ceiling where a chandelier used to hang.

But that funny story of how the chandelier fell, the enchanting smell of the white jasmine candles were pushed aside in this moment.

"Finn, we've known for a while now, that there can never be an "us"." I managed to explain quietly.

There was a long pause and a lot of heartbreaking stares between us, building the tension in the small room we were standing in. The small gap between us suddenly grew as I took two steps back. It was clear what I wanted.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I couldn't look into Finn's eyes. I could hear the hurt in his voice.


I heard an unbelieving scoff. And then I was standing alone. Honestly, I could hardly believe how alone I was. At that moment, I became a single lady.

Finn and I had been dating for about a year, about now. We started off as a happy couple. Whatever happened we were always together, holding hands.

Until one night he kissed me, and it didn't feel the same. It felt like the love, the passion, in the kiss was gone. And then my best friend Tia, sent me a picture of Finn kissing another girl with his arms wrapped around her back passionately on the bench that he said would always be ours. It's where we had our first kiss.

But I was too shocked to confront him about it, so I thought up ways on how to break up with him without letting him know I found out. I also wanted to see how long it would take him to make the other girl his 'darling'.

I shook my head and walked over to my couch and broke down. I knew it was the right thing to do, especially since he cheated on me, but I couldn't help it.

What we had was good. And he ruined it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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