Chapter 1: The beginning

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Narinder had once asked Shamura what the difference between a cult and a religion is which caused them to go on a long explanation about the difference of the two. Narinder didn't understand a word, so he went to Kallamar next and asked, who said simply, "Cults do naked orgies while religions yell at you if you go out with ankles showing."

At the time Narinder thought he was joking, but as he sits here now, staring off into the sea of naked people dancing around a fire, he was shocked to realize that Kallamar was right.

Speaking of Kallamar, he was there too, sitting with him, head in his hands, "God how the mighty have fallen."

Heket gently patted his back as she scanned the crowd, "Where's....Shamura...?" she croaks out.

Narinder scanned the crowd, searching for Shamura among the sea of naked bodies. Finally, he spotted them, the nonbinary spider had their face painted with elaborate patterns, dancing naked with the other cultists, "They're over there," Narinder pointed.

Kallamar looked over and sighed again, "Well at least their brain is scrambled enough to have some fun."

Narinder looked over at Leshy who was staring off into space, silent, though he could tell his nose was still having a sensory overload. Narinder sighed, that was mostly his fault, he tore out Leshy's eyes which caused his other senses to heighten. He didn't know what to say to him, any of his family. He was lucky that upon seeing him or...sensing him, Leshy immediately ran into a hug causing them all to forgive him out of...he guessed just missing him? Narinder didn't know.

Ever since he got turned into a follower he had his emotions...heighten. Actually, ever since he took off his crown and gave it to The Lamb. Was he going weak? Damn it.

"What are they...doing?" those few words from Kallamar snapped Narinder back to reality.

"What do you mean?" Narinder signs as he looks over at what Kallamar was looking at.

"Their...flirting...." Kallamar stands up, "Their mind is scrambled, they're drink off their tits and flirting!"

Shamura was indeed drunk and flirting with a random dude.

"When does this end?" Leshy asks, "I want to find my pants."

Narinder got up, "Fuck this. I don't care if The Lamb gets mad I'm going to bed and putting clothes on!"

Narinder gets up and leaves, heading to his cabin while picking up his robes. As he walks the sounds of laughter and naked joy get quieter and quieter.

He grabs the doorknob, but before he could even open it, there was a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw the very familiar face of his traitor of a vessel, The Lamb.

"Hellooo Nari~~" The Lamb said, their voice mocking.

"What do you want, damned lamb?" Narinder asked.

"What?~ Can't your leader talk to their follower?" The Lamb asked back as they giggled, "But you are right I want to ask you something."

"You know how your prophecy almost wiped out my whole race?" The Lamb asked.

Narinder's blood ran cold, "R-Right?"

The Lamb smiled, "Well...thanks to the Mystic seller I think I have a way to get them back~"

"Can't you just revive them? That's what you do with the cultists you like," Narinder asks.

The Lamb frowned at that, "I wish, that's only with people that have been in my cult."

Narinder sighs, "Alright well...what do you have to do and why do you need me?"

The Lamb smiles again, "Well, I have to go on a bit of an...adventure...and I want you to come with me~"

"Why me?" Narinder asks.

"Well, it's a two-person job and who else would I want other than an ex-god, right?" The Lamb replies, a shit-eating grin on his face.

Narinder sighs, "Fine....when are we going?"

"Tomorrow! Pack your stuff and say your temporary goodbyes to your family." The Lamb then runs off and Narinder.


-What y'all think?

-Word Count: 676

[Discontinued] "True devotion." The Lamb x NarinderWhere stories live. Discover now