Chapter 2: The trip

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"Where are you going?" Kallamar asks as he grabs some of Narinder's stuff, helping him pack.

"Wish I knew. They didn't specify where, just that it was an... adventure..." Narinder replies, signing so Kallamsr could understand.

"What....for?" Heket asks back, handing Narinder some more clothes to pack.

"They want to bring back their species." Narinder explains putting the clothes into the bag.

The room went quiet at that, Shamura stared at Narinder, "That should be an impossible task."

"Tell that to the Mystic Seller." Narinder said.

"That's besides the point. The Lamb is going to be alone with Narinder. He could probably steal the crown!" Leshy yelled.

"What did he say?" Kallamar asked. Heket sighed and signed it to him, "Oh...Leshy quiet!" Kallamar yelled back, "People could hear you say that! The Lamb...could hear you say that."

Shamura shook his head, "Agreed, quiet Leshy, but also you are right...Narinder, brother, you could. If they trust you enough to take you, then you have a better chance than all of us to get it."

Heket shakes her head and signs, "But...him?"

Narinder frowns as Kallamar nods his head at Heket, "Look, we forgive you brother's probably best you aren't the one that puts on that crown."

Narinder was about to say alright but Shamura interrupted him, signing, "Kallamar, Heket, we both know he's moved past that...right brother?" Shamura turned to Narinder who was frozen there, was he?

He didn't used to, but ever since he lost the crown..."Y-Yeah...of course but I'm mean-"

"Then it's settled." Shamura said, "Family is family, and we have to trust family."

Kallamar sighs, "Fine. After Narinder gets the crown we can find our own."

Narinder finishes packing and zips the buckles of the bag up, "Alright...I guess I'm off...." Narinder heads for the door.

"Good luck brother..." Shamura says, voice barely above a whisper.

"Good luck! Don't die!!" Leshy yells.

"What ddi he say?" Kallarmar asks again. Heket signs it to him, "Oh...Leshy!"

"Good.....luck...." Heket croaks out.

Narinder nods and walks out to the missionary building where The Lamb was.

"Nari!~ Hello!~ You ready?~" The Lamb asks, annoying smile on their face.

"Wipe that smile off your face damned lamb." Narinder growls, annoyed.

"Oh come on. Can't I be happy to see you?~" The Lamb asks chuckling, "Anyways, I settled everything with the cult, I put someone trustworthy in charge, we can go."

Narinder nods and they start to head out, other cult members crowded around, waving and cheering as they go.

"Good luck leader!" One yelled.

"Come back safe!!" another yelled.

"We love you leader!"

The Lamb smiled and waved as they left, grabbing Narinder's hand to pull him along quicker. Narinder obviously pulled it back, uncomfortable with the touch.

Soon enough though they make it to the Mystic seller, "Alright! Tell us where to go." The Lamb yells.

"Ah, you mean the artifact for the Lamb's correct?" The seller asks, "Well in that case, take this." they throw over a map. The Lamb catches it and opens it up, "I'll help you find the place to start. Stay where you are." And like that a part of the trees started to part, creating a clear path, "Good luck."

Narinder was starting to get tired of the good lucks. The Lamb, however, smiled and ran over to the path, "Come Nari! Hurry!"

"Why are you running!?" Narinder yells as they chase after them, "It's not like we have a time crunch...right?"

"No, but why would we want to take time for this? We can bring my species back!" The Lamb asks, "Come on, hurry!"

Narinder sighs, already knowing he was going to hate this entire trip. But at least, he could maybe, get his crown back.

-What y'all think?

-Word Count: 643

[Discontinued] "True devotion." The Lamb x NarinderWhere stories live. Discover now