Chapter 1...void.

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  Ringing. . .it was the only sound I could hear as blood seeped from my ears...I laid on my back in the gravel...the clouds above began to turn a dark gray color was hard to breathe..I wish I never came down into this stupid forest...

"W....ake..uhhh.." i heard a vant voice vision was black at this mind was somewhere else..i felt as if i was in a deep my own mind.. "Wake...uhh..p" the mysterious voice called again, and i felt all my senses rush back into my body, i took a sharp breath in as i sat up, my breath coming back in cold gulps of air. I looked around until i saw a few kids my age..the main one that was shaking me was a dirty blonde boy..he was maybe 13 or 12, i could barely even tell at this point.. "H-huh-holy shit..a-ah-are y-you ok-ah-ay...?" the boy stuttered. And suddenly I could hear a bit better, "holy shit..what even happened..?' I said in my head, touching the side of my face..there was a deepcut across my temple. " Jesus christ.." another boy said. He looked quite small, like a chipmunk. I let out a roan, trying not to pass out or fall over. "Yeah..i-i'm fine..." I murmured. "A-re you sh-sh-ure?' the stuttering boy said, letting go of my shoulder. "It looks l-luh-like h-huh-henry b-bowers got y-yuh-you...' "who..?' I cocked an eyebrow, which hurt my beat up face. "Th-..the ugly guy..wh-whi-with a knife." "shit...that's who he was..?' the boy nodded again, smiling.. "I'm b-bh-bill. i guess wh-we should in-" "introduce ourselves' ' another kid finished for the stuttering one.
"Im richie, richie tozier is my name and doing voices is my game" the ginger kid smiled warmly, what a weirdo, i've seen him in my english class a few times ever since i moved here.. "Im eddie.." the small one said. "And the one i the hoodie is ben." he pointed towards the chubby, shy guy in the hoodie.  Then pointed to a guy in a boy scouts outfit."then there's stan.." "and i'm bev" a nice, cool looking girl in braids said, coming up next to me to help me stand up.. "I bet Henry saw you and chased you down here, he's always an asshole to new people." she grumbled under her breath. It seemed that the stan kid was whispering something to Richie, then the ginger's eyebrows raised "yes! We should help her!" richie exclaimed "wh-whu-what..?" bill raised an eyebrow
'I said we should help her, it's decided. I've decided we are going to her house." I stared for a moment "uhm..o-okay...?' "welp! Lead the way prettygirl." he said in a fake voice, grinning as they all walked out from the barrens with me

It wasn't even an hour later until they were all standing in my bedroom, a few posters were hung up and most of the moving boxes were not even unpacked. Richie was horseplaying slightly with Eddie as they looked through my closet for stuff to help my wounds, only had a few knife cuts on my arms and a beat face.the others were just looking around while i sat on my bed with bev. "You have an awfully nice house.." "damn straight..i found her panties." Richie peeked out through the closet, holding up a pair of my underwear. "Richie!" Bev snatched it from him, and he laughed as he came walking out with a box of cleansing alcohol and bandages. 'Let's see here..'Eddie said, sitting on my other side to clean my wounds and patch it up. "There we go..better in no time.. The little one smiled. "..thanks.." I said, letting out a sigh. Then, Bill walked up in front of me. 'Wh-wuh-what's y-your n-nuh-huh-ame?' I looked up at him with silence.. 'Its..bunnii.." " that a nickname..?' Richie asked with a teasing smirk " is, I don't like my real name." "ah..right.." the silence was awkward for a moment, until a noise of music came from her speakers. Ben let out a yelp, he must hae been touching her speakers. He quickly shut it off, slowly looking over at the rest of them with an anxious smile. "Sorry.." everybody was silent, until bev giggled, which caused them all to giggle.

It wasn't long until everybody else went home. I laid on my bed watching rain patter against my bedroom window..what I laid on my side, not even bothering to change before i fell  asleep into a deep dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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