Andromeda sits in her little corner in the little coffee shop named ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ She had chosen this as hers because not only is it a shaded and secluded spot, it also gives her the perfect space to do her second favorite hobby, people-watching. Andromeda, much like Aziraphale, liked humans and found them rather interesting. But right now she doesn’t want to watch people, instead she’s sitting in her corner with her legs curled up in the seat as tears roll down her face slowly. The whole scene seems to be going in slow motion, Nina checks on her a few times but the young girl never answers. When Nina looks into the girl’s hazel eyes she doesn’t see the light that once shone in them, almost as if she’s lost that star-like quality about her. Nina sets down a hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream, thinking that the treat will make the red-head smile, Andromeda blinks more tears from her eyes and looks at the drink absentmindedly. Nina looks at her sadly, looks back at her customers, and walks away which leaves the usually happy girl staring at the drink with new tears replacing the old ones.