|| An unexpected surprise ||

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Spam sat up in his room, typing on his computer, writing up the next chapter of his fanfiction. His toes tippie tappie on his keyboard.

Sweat beading down his head as he writes about hot furry boys very intensely. His gaze never broke from his screen.

Not looking up as he described the hot furry boys in his story working under the hot texas sun in over 100 degree weather, with no top on and hoeing up some beets.

"God.. I wish I was those beets." Spam thought to himself as he continued writing.

He had always put a tiny bit of himself in his characters.

Some called his fanfictions bad, and said his main character was always a poor excuse as a self insert.

But he didn't care. He was committed to that grind.

Yeah, so what if his main character Jason Howard Dickface was a lot like him in real life.

So what if Jason replaced the hot alpha furries' old girlfriend because Spam himself wanted to get laid by some fluffy anthropomorphic dick.

The haters can hate.

They just don't understand what it is like to yearn to snuggle up with two warm and sweaty alpha boys next to their stiff...-


Spam's train of thought was cut off as the doorbell to his apartment rang.

It was the pizza he had ordered earlier. He stood up out of his seat like a feral lion hungry for food.

He bolted to the door with thundering speed, and swung in a matter of minutes.

He was just about to snatch the pizza off the delivery worker... when his eyes met with his.

He was tall and looked around 20 or 23 years old.

His skin was fair and his face was perfectly chiselled.

Dirty golden locks frame the man's face as his deep brown orbs shimmer in the porch light.

"You ordered pizza right?" The man asked, noticing that Spam had been staring too long

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"You ordered pizza right?" The man asked, noticing that Spam had been staring too long.

"U-u-u-u-uhmm.. Y-y-y-yeah-h I- I- I di-did." Spam stuttered as his face flushed in embarrassment.

"Cool. Here you go. Hot and fresh.. Just like you" The man muttered the last part under his breath as he handed Spam his pizza.

"Di- Did I hear that right?" Spam thought to himself as he stood there, mouth wide in shock.

He didn't have time to clarify what the man said as he had already left.

"H- He called me hot... like this Pizza" Spam thought to himself.

His mind is spiralling with ideas. No way that stud called him hot

. HE was hot?? No way.. He must have heard things wrong.

Spam stepped back into his apartment. Pizza in hand as he shuts the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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