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Angel woke up one day (A) "It's my birthday!" He said as he ran downstairs to find a surprise party for him and everyone saying happy birthday as they all sat down at the table as Angel and Husk mostly talked as the others talked to each other

(A) "I'm so excited!" He says as Charlie brings out the birthday cake, and everyone sings happy birthday as he looks in confusion (H)."You alright webs?

(A) "Oh, I just never really celebrated my birthday! My parents were too busy. " charlie explains what a birthday is like to Angel, then they sing happy birthday as angel blows out the candles. Charlie cuts a piece of cake and gives everyone a piece of cake (A) "Thanks char" (C) "Your welcome angel!"

A while passes and sooner or later they grab fat nuggets for presents as angel smiles on the verge of happy tears (Vag) "here ya go I know you like dressing fat nuggs up so yeah.." Angel opens the gift to find matching suits for him and fat nuggs and runs to change and comes out a few minutes later matching with fat nuggs (A) "AHH!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH VAGGIE!!" He says, hugging vaggie and then sitting back down for presents.

A little while after presents, he realized Husk forgot a present  (A) "Meh, it's not a big deal. it's just a gift." (H) "Hey angel, I had an idea all of us go stargazing!" (A) "I mean, I guess!"  (H) "alright, cya!" (A) does he even care that he forgot a present? Whatever he probably hasn't noticed yet." Everyone keeps enjoying the night and doing karaoke to their favorite songs (angel did dead girl walking boy ver) and dancing still sad and mad Husk forgot a gift but still happy then remembered they had to stargaze (A) "cmon guys we gonna do stargazing!" He says, picking up fat nuggets and then sitting down on the hill near the hotel with the others as Husk taps angel on the shoulder everyone has their phones out (A) "yeah hus-" his sentence gets interrupted from a kiss from Husk. A few minutes later, he ended the kiss. (H) I STILL DONT LIKE YOU I JUST DIDN'T HAVE A GIFT!" He says, going up to his room, angel and fat nuggs, smiling angel, blushing.

This made me giggle sm istgggggggg I LOVE THESE 2!!!! :3

word count: 405.

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