⊹₊⋆ a storm that's never ending

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10:22 A.M. Walking up to Ms. O'Donnell's desk, Cynthia knelt down and quietly asked, "do you have anything for me this week?"

The older woman peered over the report she had been reading over as the other students spoke amongst themselves. With a sigh, she set down the report and wrote on a sticky note before folding it and handing the paper to the girl opposite her. "I haven't spoken to him yet, but he needs it. Library, right after school."

Getting back up to her feet, Cynthia unfolded the note and her eyes widened when she read the name.

Eddie Munson.

"Are you serious?" She asked, before turning to take a quick glance at Eddie who was surprisingly in his spot at the back corner of the classroom, headphones on and drumming his fingers against his desk.

"Go sit back down, Cynthia."

Taking a deep breath before turning around, she made her way to the very middle of the room where her assigned seat was. She could say no and leave Eddie hanging; not like he'd care very much, this was his third time taking this class. On the other hand, she'd feel kind of fucked up if she didn't even try to help him, it sucks having to repeat a grade but even moreso what should be your last year in high school.

"Is it bad? You look mortified." Robin, her friend and coworker asked, leaning as far left as she could from her own seat. Robin Buckley was one of only three or four people that knew Cynthia was tutoring other students in hopes she'd get a letter of recommendation from their history teacher.

Passing the note to the blonde on her right, Cynthia settled all the way into the hard plastic chair and pulled her large sweater over her tight.

"Holy shit," Robin laughed. "Good luck with that."

The bell rang not too long after and the girls each gathered their things before they had to separate for the rest of the day.

"I'll see you tonight," Cynthia said, slipping the note into her pocket.

"I thought you only did weekends?"

The darker-haired girl shrugged, "I could use the money, plus Steve has a hot date tonight."

As the pair left, Robin started to fill her friend in on a group of kids that came in the previous night and ransacked the horror section. Cynthia took one last glance into the classroom and saw Eddie speaking to Ms O'Donnell, likely as she was running down the tutor situation.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

3:42 P.M. Cynthia felt like she was staring through the clock and into the chipping cement paint as she waited for Eddie. She knew this was a waste of time. "Just until four," she muttered to herself, turning her attention to the book in her lap.

Another few minutes of annoying near-silence was interrupted by loud laughing and the door opening, "I'll see you boys tomorrow."

There he was, thirty-five minutes late, Eddie Munson. Sunglasses pulled over his eyes, sweater in hand so he was just in his Black Sabbath t-shirt and his signature jean vest.


"Yep," she replied as he crossed the room, the smell of weed wafting off of him as he pulled the chair out and sat down, laying his sweater and notebook down on the table. "Ms. O'Donnell is letting you retake that midterm from a couple weeks ago you failed."

"Yeah, I got thirty percent." Eddie took two pencils, a pen and a lighter out of his pocket.

Cynthia laughed, setting her book down in front of her on the table, "how?"

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